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Mia Jankowicz

Boris Johnson hit with slew of resignations before entering No.10

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Pro-EU campaigner interrupts Theresa May’s leaving speech with cry of ‘Stop Brexit!’

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Disgraced Vote Leave director set to become key Boris Johnson advisor

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Led by Donkeys project Boris Johnson message onto Buckingham Palace

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Brexiteer and Boris Johnson loyalist Priti Patel set for top cabinet job

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Latest polling: Boris Johnson would be in Slytherin at Hogwarts

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A second referendum could be organised in just 10 weeks, MPs told

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Boris Johnson to become prime minister with 0.2% of the nation’s vote

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Brexit Party chairman threatening to sue Femi Oluwole over a tweet

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Twitter mocks Ivanka Trump for misspelling ‘United Kingdom’ in congratulatory tweet

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Jo Swinson to become next leader of the Liberal Democrats

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UK economic outlook ‘very murky indeed’ thanks to looming no-deal Brexit, says think tank

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Sir Alan Duncan resignation letter bemoans ‘the dark cloud of Brexit’

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City chief warns Boris Johnson: no-deal Brexit could take us ‘from a joke to a nightmare’

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Darren Grimes says Electoral Commission pursued him after pressure from “wealthy Remain activists”

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Brexit Party worker claims to be behind leak that led to Kim Darroch’s resignation

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All the best protest signs at the March for Change

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Stuck for a poster for the March for Change? We’ve got you covered

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Michael Heseltine: Our loyalty to our country in opposing Brexit runs far deeper than party divides

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Annunziata Rees-Mogg’s latest complaint about EU parliament backfires terribly

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MPs head to Brussels to push for citizens’ rights after a no-deal Brexit

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Minister hints he’d vote to bring down government if PM pursues no-deal Brexit

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Green party MEP’s speech branding far-right politician a coward goes viral

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Jeremy Hunt apologises for skipping key vote after major blunder

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No-deal Brexit could cause a recession, says the Office for Budget Responsibility

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Boris Johnson’s anti-EU ‘kipper’ story at the leadership debate has a fatal flaw

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Anti-Brexit MPs score major victory in preventing a forced no-deal

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Brexit Party activists try to distribute newspaper from second Morrisons store

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Trump-style ‘Boris Blimp’ unveiled for Saturday’s March for Change

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Nigel Farage loses his cool on LBC when asked about Brexit Party democracy

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Philip Hammond slams Rees-Mogg claims of £80million no-deal boost to the economy

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Brexit Party MEP accused of lining his pockets in the event of a no-deal Brexit

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