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Mia Jankowicz

Ian Holloway mocked for blaming the EU for VAR handball decision

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Wetherspoons boss dangles promises of cheap beer after a no-deal Brexit

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Brexiteers write poems to leaving the EU after getting offended that poet laureate won’t

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Today is the last day to sign the Revoke Article 50 petition

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Verhofstadt slams Johnson’s ‘bluster and political blame games’ on the backstop

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Yellowhammer report deemed a ‘realistic assessment’ not ‘worst case’ as Gove claims

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‘What have the Romans ever done for us?’: viral video gives Brexit the Monty Python treatment

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New UKIP leader’s Twitter account reveals views on climate change, Obama, and much more

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Johnson accuses Remain MPs of ‘collaboration’ with the EU to stop Brexit

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Brexit Party MEP tweets bizarre suggestion for the UK’s climate scientists

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UK-US trade deals will be ‘long, complicated, difficult process’ despite John Bolton claims

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‘Pay back every penny’ in ministers’ redundancy money, Labour demands

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Number 10 fuels election rumours by cancelling advisers’ holiday until October 31

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The Brexit Party’s conference venue received £1 million in EU funding

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British company makes U-turn on European Interrail passes after massive backlash

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Corbyn tells government: no-deal Brexit during election period would be unconstitutional

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‘Gaps on the shelves within a week’: former supermarket chief’s stark no-deal Brexit warning

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Concerns for tourism and environment after UK rail companies pull out of European Interrail scheme

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MP resorts to Twitter to highlight case of ‘terminally ill’ EU citizen deported in error

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Food chiefs call for competition law waiver amid no-deal Brexit supply warnings

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‘Gravest constitutional crisis since the Civil War’ if Johnson ignores no-confidence vote

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Brexit Party prospective parliamentary candidate announcements become Twitter meme

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Health minister forced to walk back NHS ‘new money’ claim in excruciating interview

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Food supply strain of a no-deal Brexit could be ‘unprecedented in peacetime’, warns prof

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Most export businesses to the EU are not ready for a no-deal Brexit, Treasury figures suggest

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Pro-Brexit Twitter account accused of ‘dehumanising’ Remainers with ‘vermin’ slur

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Boris Johnson invents ‘minister for the union’ role and gives it to himself

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Who is on the BBC Any Questions panel this week?

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Russian news channel RT fined by Ofcom for breaching impartiality rules

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MPs want to scrutinise Boris Johnson’s pick for US ambassador to replace Sir Kim Darroch

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Jo Swinson calls for no-confidence vote against Boris Johnson

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David Lammy slams ‘contradiction’ of Boris Johnson’s promise to EU nationals

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