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Mia Jankowicz

‘There probably is time’ to block no-deal Brexit despite prorogation, says Tory rebel

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Political heavyweights team up with Gina Miller anti-prorogation legal challenge

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The man behind the anti-prorogation petition speaks out about why he took action

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No-deal Brexit likely to delay flu vaccine just as ‘particularly virulent’ strain threatens UK

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Andrew Neil to get new primetime political programme ahead of Brexit deadline

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Constitutional academics declare Boris Johnson’s prorogation an ‘abuse of executive power’

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Ken Clarke slams ‘blatant lies’ about reasons behind proroguing parliament

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Femi Oluwole: ‘There’s no price I wouldn’t pay’ to stop Brexit

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Led By Donkeys stunt plays Michael Gove’s own words on prorogation back to his constituents

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Reports: Scottish Tory Ruth Davidson expected to quit as leader

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Only half of Leavers say it’s acceptable to prorogue parliament, finds poll

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Donald Trump and Boris Johnson in Twitter love-in amid prorogation uproar

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Eleven medical unions warn against potentially ‘fatal’ effects of a no-deal Brexit

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Petition against proroguing parliament smashes 100K target

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Dominic Grieve calls prorogation ‘tantamount to a coup’ as he threatens to bring down government

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Labour MP calls for ‘peaceful protest and civil disobedience’ if parliament prorogued

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Reports: Government to ask Queen to suspend parliament

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Remainer MPs defy Johnson and commit to ‘whatever is necessary’ to stop prorogation for no deal

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Home Office advert banned for ‘misleading’ applicants to EU Settlement Scheme

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The Brexit Party has launched a members’ club – here’s what you get for £100 a month

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Remainer grills Jeremy Corbyn in unexpected bank holiday encounter

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Don’t hold your breath for a deal with the EU, says Boris Johnson

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‘We will send you back’: Boris Johnson’s warning to migrants attempting illegal channel crossing

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Boris Johnson ally accused of ‘cosying up’ to Brazilian government as the Amazon burns

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Tory MP optimistic about Boris Johnson getting a Brexit deal because of ‘body language’

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Opposition leaders to meet Jeremy Corbyn in bid to block a no-deal Brexit

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Former Brexit minister and BBC presenter under fire for swapping jokes about a man punching his wife

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Irish backstop is ‘indispensable’, Emmanuel Macron tells Boris Johnson

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Dutch sign up in their thousands to wave goodbye to UK in Brexit beach party

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‘It’s a sham’: campaigner takes apart Boris Johnson’s ‘fake negotiation’ on Brexit

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Boris Johnson may be due a ‘nasty surprise’ at Merkel meeting, warns former German diplomat

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Brexit preparation funds branded ‘far too little, far too late’ by council leader

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