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Matthew d’Ancona

What’s the point of Starmer if he won’t confront Braverman on immigration?

Britain needs a bolder Keir Starmer who will challenge the home secretary over her shameful anti-immigrant rhetoric

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‘A range of exhausted volcanoes’: This is the end of the Tory empire

The sun is setting on the Tory empire. Is Starmer’s Labour Party up for the challenge?

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If you want a republican UK, are you ready for president Boris Johnson?

This could be the last coronation of a monarch of the United Kingdom. But, be careful what you wish for

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The graceless, remorseless political death of a desperate man

Dominic Raab’s pathetic conspiracy theories are yet another example of how the Conservative edifice continues to crumble

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Blame the makers of Brexit, not Paddington, for wrecking the UK

It wasn’t Hugh Grant or Emma Watson who brought Britain to its knees, but the populist and privileged right

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What Keir Starmer must do next

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The shows that made 2020 the year of the screen

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How the BBC bounced back during the coronavirus crisis

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MATTHEW D’ANCONA: Our slow-burning approach to news is catching alight

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Welcome to the Post-Truth age

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