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Matthew d’Ancona

Matthew d’Ancona’s Culture: Until August is a final gem from the great Gabo’s imaginative treasury

Our editor-at-large’s rundown of the pick of the week’s books and cinema

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Matthew d’Ancona’s Culture: An Enemy of the People is a very special production indeed

Our editor-at-large’s rundown of the pick of the week’s theatre, books and cinema

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Trump may still be defeated, but his MAGA is here to stay

This election is only the latest chapter in a saga that, unfortunately, is only just beginning

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At last, Joe Biden comes out fighting

The president’s state of the union speech was a spirited attack on Donald Trump

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Matthew d’Ancona’s Culture: Dune Part Two is even better than the first

Our editor-at-large’s rundown of the pick of the week’s film, TV and art

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The Big Apple vs the Big Orange

New York courts now look like the best chance of stopping Donald Trump’s return to the White House

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ITV is now the nation’s conscience, and it’s telling the truth about Covid lies

What does it say about our politics that justice is now delivered via TV dramas?

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Matthew d’Ancona’s Culture: The Picture of Dorian Gray is unmissable

Our editor-at-large’s rundown of the pick of the week’s film, TV and art

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Matthew d’Ancona’s Culture: One Love is a timely cinematic pageant

Our editor-at-large’s rundown of the pick of the week’s film, TV and art

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How the west betrayed Navalny

We could have helped him become Russia’s Mandela – but instead we preferred performative scolding and mindless culture wars

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Matthew d’Ancona’s Culture: An Enemy of the People is political drama of the highest calibre

Our editor-at-large’s new rundown of the pick of the week’s theatre, film and TV

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The republic is in grave peril as American Ulysses Biden fades away

Joe Biden has announced his decision to withdraw from the US election

The stakes in this election could scarcely be higher. Is Biden up to the challenge?

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Matthew d’Ancona’s Culture: Sathnam Sanghera’s Empireworld is essential reading in post-Brexit Britain

Our editor-at-large's brand-new rundown of the pick of the week's theatre, film and TV

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The flipside of Sunak’s smugness is his undeniable ridiculousness. He’s a joke

When they’re laughing at you, you know you’ve lost

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Follow Germany’s lead and take fear and venom out of the migration issue

German protests against AfD’s far right extremism show us how to beat the populists

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Trump and the nightmare of tyranny lurking within the American dream

Despite facing 91 felony charges, Trump is going to be the Republican presidential nominee. He is a dictator-in-waiting

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Common decency vs the Post Office

For the sake of our souls, the idolisation of “business” must end

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The karaoke moralists of Davos shrug as the fire they lit burns up the world

The world’s most discredited and pointless summit will provide few answers

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Five ways that Starmer can be a PM of consequence by bringing back trust

Anything short of a hefty Commons majority will be viewed as a failure for the Labour leader

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Doctor Who shows the best of Britain – Rishi Sunak is showing us at our worst

The returning sci-fi series – a British institution – reminds us that we still do many things brilliantly and with generosity of spirit

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The Tories are a bunch of pound shop Enoch Powells

Faced with electoral oblivion, their reckless actions risk inflicting damage on the country that will take many years to repair

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Rishi Sunak, the peevish toddler in Number 10

The row with Greece shows Sunak can’t even do basic diplomacy. So what’s the point of him being PM?

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If you think Gaza is heading for a neat and happy ending, you’re wrong

Don’t be fooled, Israel will not rest until Hamas has been destroyed. This war is only just starting

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Meet Danny Kruger, the dangerous saviour of British nationalism

The Tory MP is no swaggering populist, but a leading light of a new cohort of Tories for whom nationalism and nationhood are the intellectual core of public life

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Psychic numbing is preventing the west from confronting Hamas’s horror

We have no right to avert our gaze from the Israel-Hamas war

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Sunak’s gruesome interview with Elon Musk demeaned the office of PM

Sunak has stooped to cheap sensationalism and the country deserves a leader who aims higher

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Britain has always been multicultural. It’s the only way to keep it running

Embracing both the dilemmas and rewards of multicultural coexistence will mean abandoning the government’s populist resentment

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Why Britain is Sunakered

Worse even than Boris Johnson or Liz Truss, Rishi Sunak’s blinkered arrogance has accelerated the decline and fall of the Tory empire

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Biden goes to war

Can the US president steer events in the Middle East?

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Israel cannot act alone again. The world must build a post-Hamas Gaza

Urgent, innovative action is needed to defeat the terrorists and bring hope

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Nigel Farage as the next Tory PM? The idea is poisonous.. and plausible

A broken Tory party would turn to a Farage comeback

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The only change Rishi Sunak will bring about is a change of government

This strange, stale conference speech by a man of no vision won’t revive the Tories

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