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Matt Withers

EU sets up working group to prepare for no-deal Brexit, leaked papers show

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Sinn Fein: If Tories prioritise DUP over people, Ireland should use Brexit veto

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Impossible to reconcile leaving single market with frictionless border, warn MPs

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MP: Brexit bill has gone from go whistle to what’s your sort code

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Take control of the infamous Brexit Bus in this brilliant new game

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Brexit will cost Revenue and Customs an extra £200m a year, top civil servant says

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Britain WILL meet its obligations built up as an EU member, says Brexiteer Chris Grayling

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Ministers could trigger new vote to avoid full release of secret Brexit papers

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Government ‘risks contempt of Parliament’ over secret Brexit papers

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Liam Fox uses trade visit to Australia to renew attacks on Remain voters

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Government finally hands over secret Brexit papers

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Read How The World Sees Us in this week’s New European

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Ireland will have to pay for a post-Brexit border, says Labour Leaver Kate Hoey

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What difference does it make? Brexit cheerleader Morrissey says he’s never bothered voting

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Ireland’s European commissioner urges May to change course on border Brexit plan

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Australia attacks post-Brexit plan to share quotas for cheap food imports

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Theresa May pleads for EU to move on to “next stage” of Brexit negotiations

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It’s the way he tells ’em – Philip Hammond’s Budget jokes in full

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£3bn Brexit war chest set aside for no deal scenario

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Chancellor told to guard against march to “economic nationalism” under banner of Brexit

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Irish foreign minister: UK has “no credible answers” over future of border

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David Davis warns of no Brexit deal, then falls off stage

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“F***ing get over it”, says man who has held noisy public feud with own brother for 20 years

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Article 50 CAN be reversed – says the man who wrote it

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Three-week delay for release of government’s secret Brexit papers

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Download your Monsters of Brexit masks

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Brexit minister quits for health reasons two years after helicopter injury

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The New European Podcast: David Davis’ meltdown, the war on universities and Boris Johnson’s Nike blunder

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Rapid EU-turn: Now Brexit department “expects and intends” a vote on deal before leaving

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MPs may not get vote on Brexit terms until UK has left, warns Davis

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Conservative MP who demanded names of Brexit lecturers “was researching for a book”

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MPs demand Facebook reveals evidence of meddling in Brexit referendum

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