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Marie Le Conte

What do the French make of Napoleon?

Ridley Scott’s epic didn’t exactly win over viewers in France

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Covid and the fear of freedom

When lockdown ended, I was ecstatic. But other people had a very different reaction

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London deserves better than Greg Hands as its minister

The capital’s representatives in government have been too male, too pale and too stale

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The return of a familiar character

David Cameron is back, and that’s not a good sign for the Tories

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You need to watch the Covid Inquiry. Oh yes you do

We’ve been pretending for too long that nothing happened. But it did. And we need to talk about it

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The French language is not set in amber

The opening of the International French Language Centre embraces the evolution of the language in a globalised world

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A society that doesn’t value parenthood

Life for most people under 40 has been made needlessly complicated by this government. Making parenthood unaffordable is just one example

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Can the French language go gender neutral?

Macron says “non”

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The end of Twitter Circles

Elon Musk wants you right where he can see you

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As an immigrant, I felt unwelcome at the Tory conference

For the first time in a long time, I struggled not to take Braverman’s rhetoric personally

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Non, the French don’t really want a monarchy

We are actually fond of the British royal family – we just refuse to be showy about it

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Even this move towards the EU feels underwhelming

After the clown show of Johnson and Truss, Keir Starmer is reassuringly sensible. But will that be enough to save Britain?

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Don’t forget the small joys of British life

A recent family visit reminded me of the British traditions designed to lift our spirits

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My French friends are homeward bound

A new government scheme could make Britain appear more attractive to young Europeans. It’s frustrating that it is only now being trialled

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How I fell for French music – eventually

Music isn’t something the French have ever truly excelled at. But, I’m slowly being won over

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The English are hard to read

The English are obsessed by class, yet their reluctance to discuss it gives very little away

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Why you hate the summertime

The British love the idea of summer. But then the temperatures rise and people begin to frown

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Vienna’s war against the passing of time

History never seems to pass in Vienna and this will always be the case

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Welcome to a golden age of socialising

London is embracing the European approach to socialising and hosting guests at home. Why? No one can afford to go out any more

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The other side of the French art of protest

Activism is a normal part of the French experience. In Britain? Not so much

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Where hope springs eternal under grey skies

Each year, spring toys with our emotions but the wait makes its delights all the sweeter

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The city where three bridges is too far

Each of Venice’s 1,000 islands carries its own world. What happened when a Londoner (originally from France) moved there?

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Could Liz Truss be our next prime minister?

Her speeches and social media have played up her clownish, Johnsonian side, but she has managed to have a better 2021 than the PM and her other rivals.

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The Young Vulgarian: Men prove they’re pants at governing

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