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Marie Le Conte

Sadiq Khan’s winning policy

The Mayor of London pushed ahead with an idea he truly believed in and it worked – Labour politicians might want to take note

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Dilettante: On embracing hometown glory

After noticing the negatives for too long, I've renewed my marriage vows with London

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Don’t blame feminism for men and boys getting left behind

New research by a right-leaning think tank uncovers some genuinely shocking findings. But the answers aren’t in returning to "traditional male values"

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It's time to put an end to impending doom

You don’t really matter to the world and neither do I, and that ought to feel freeing

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How to kill the arts

Why does the government want to feed the UK creative sector to the AI companies?

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The privilege of feeling like an outsider

As a Frenchwoman with Moroccan roots who has lived in Britain for 15 years, I don’t fully belong anywhere. But that is a privilege, not a pity

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Kemi Badenoch is killing the Conservative Party

By palling up with populists and parroting their talking points, the leader has taken the Tories down a slippery slope to extremism

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Why is French food in the UK so bad?

If even just one place were to open in a big city, and start offering decently priced, unfussy French bistro classics, they would become gazillionaires in a matter of weeks

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The America we knew may well be gone forever

Even if the Democrats manage to get the presidency back in 2028 there is no real sense that things could return to normal for the US

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It’s time to fight for the four day week

Donald Trump and Elon Musk think it’s a bad idea – what more reason do you need?

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I'm going home to a place I barely know

I’ve spent a lot of time in Morocco but all of it, even as an adult, made me feel like an overly sheltered child

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The dark lessons of AI

It might be useful for making Whitehall more efficient, but the potential downsides of the new technology are enormous

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My cinema choices are a sign that both I and the times have changed

Everyone loves cheeseburgers but, as it turns out, really nice greens can also make you feel like life is truly worth living

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Time to kick MPs out of the commentariat

Far too many of them have newspaper columns, radio slots and TV shows. As the US experience shows, nothing good happens when you give politicians too much attention

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For the first time in my life I am a tech pessimist

What happens when some of the men behind big tech – Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg – start going in a direction that makes you feel nauseous?

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How the internet broke our elites

Just look at what it did to Elon Musk – he bought Twitter, and it was all downhill from there

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France and Britain need to learn from each other

Neither culture is flawless but, together, we could become more than the sum of our parts

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This is how Starmer can communicate better in 2025

The prime minister and his cabinet have been quietly underwhelming so far and that is partially because they do not look like they know where they're headed

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Our memories are too precious to be entrusted to tech firms

What is mere storage space to them represents chunks of our lives that would otherwise go unremembered

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Hey, politician! Tell us your story

If you don’t someone else will tell it for you – and chances are you won’t like what you hear

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Why is Starmer so afraid of free movement?

Refusing to negotiate with Europe to allow Brits greater access to the continent is a bewildering position for the government to take

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2025 can be the year where we get the small things right

Much has been said about the increasing polarisation of people in the social media age. We need to remember that no man is an island

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French politics: a question without an answer

Macron seems to think his new choice of prime minister is the answer to France’s problems. He might be the only one who does

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Dilettante: How travel made me a die-hard sports fan

Watching a game with people supporting the same team as you is one of the most deeply social experiences you can have

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Welcome to Britain’s next political scandal

A large, powerful industry has been courting and even recruiting MPs in Westminster. It could all end in disaster

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France is on fire, but life goes on

The country is in a tunnel and there is no light at the end of it. But I still need to get my hair cut

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Badenoch’s dangerous lurch into the online swamp

Telling small groups of people that they will be taken seriously if only they shout loudly enough is damaging for democracy

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Why I'm conflicted about the implosion of Twitter

That we have seemingly managed to beat Elon Musk should be cause for celebration. Why, then, do I have this uneasiness about it?

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Does anyone care about Rachel Reeves’ CV?

The right wing press love it, but this ‘scandal’ will join Angela Rayner’s flat and Keir Starmer’s lockdown beer in being quickly forgotten

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November in Britain is a time for getting sozzled

New Yorkers get to be abstemious, at least most of the time, because their weather allows it. Not so here

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You’ve left Twitter and moved to Bluesky: here’s what you need to know

As users joining the “Xodus” are discovering, the platform is very different from Elon Musk’s kingdom

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It's time to say goodbye to America

Americans aren’t my people, not for one great reason but for a thousand small ones

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