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Luke McGee

Can Europe defend itself?

Trump is breaking up the old post-war alliance designed to protect Europe from Moscow. If the US withdraws support, can the continent go it alone?

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What the EU really thinks about the Brexit reset

The UK needs to cut red tape and boost growth - but despite hope over a youth mobility scheme, Brussels does not see a new deal as a priority

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Are you a political extremist?

Successive British governments have dismissed their voters’ more strident views for too long. This has left political space for the extremists to exploit – and they have been busy

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What the EU fears from Trump’s return

On defence, trade and tech, Europe is bracing itself for four years of threats and chaos

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The trust and knowledge gap

Just as he talks of closer relations, Keir Starmer’s perplexing refusal to engage properly with the EU or European experts is adding to a widening divide

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The Tory party’s greatest threat

The hard right has achieved political power across Europe. British politics now faces exactly the same risk

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Starmer’s stepping stones to Europe

Remainers are facing up to the need for a change of tack to push the PM further towards Europe

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The EU is too soft on populists

EU institutions have got into the nasty habit of making concessions to populists who have spent their lives railing against Brussels

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Britain: Unarmed and dangerous

Our armed forces are not fit for purpose. Here’s how to fix them

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