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Lionel Barber

Putin’s bloody Christmas

The deflated dictator is playing mind games with the west as his war in Ukraine lurches into a stalemate

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Why the USA is thinking the unthinkable over a ceasefire in Ukraine

The thought of appeasing Putin is terrible - but the men who could replace him might be even worse

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Making Hunt chancellor is Truss’s last chance to save her skin

The PM’s authority is in tatters after a series of blunders ended with her sacking close friend Kwasi Kwarteng

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Trussonomics is dead already … strangled at birth by ferocious market forces

The schoolboy errors in Kwasi Kwarteng’s mini-budget have put the UK economy at risk and dealt the PM a self-inflicted blow from which she may not recover

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Liz Truss, cartoon Mrs Thatcher, takes power

Economic turmoil will test Britain's new prime minister

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Mamil* versus mountains (*middle-aged man in lycra)

Gear up for five European cycling epics

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From these ruins, a new Europe is emerging

Putin’s horrific aggression will prove a turning point in the history of our continent

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We are all Ukrainians now

Vladimir Putin's war on Ukraine is a watershed moment. But the democratic West's response has been encouragingly robust

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Brexit isn’t working…we will do our best to clean up the mess

The new Commission for UK-EU Relations will propose solutions to problems caused by Britain’s botched exit.

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Independent Commission formed as “Brexit isn’t working”

Businesspeople, academics, journalists and a top trade unionist have formed a group with the purpose of repairing fractured UK-EU relations.

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Germany’s start-up culture breaks the old stereotypes

The country has a reputation for being tech- and risk-averse. But a new generation of entrepreneurs are proving that is no longer the case.

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Are Michel Barnier’s hopes of beating Emmanuel Macron a grand illusion?

As David Frost moans about the deal they both agreed, Michel Barnier is entering the race to be Franceʼs president.

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America’s search for a new place in the world begins

From 9/11 to Kabul, LIONEL BARBER charts two of the most pivotal decades in US history, a story not of a crumbling superpower but a chosen path to turn inwards, for better or worse.

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The Republican runners and riders who could pick up Donald Trump’s mantle in 2024

LIONEL BARBER considers the Republicans who might pick up the MAGA mantle and bid for the White House

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The newspaper that created a new space in the media landscape

Established a pop-up paper in 2016 due to last only four issues, The New European turns five this week. Former editor of the Financial Times LIONEL BARBER explains why it has found a niche and how it can help shape European debate

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How the civil service is trying to take back control after Brexit

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Ghosts of Tory sleaze continue to haunt Whitehall

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Is Volkswagen about to give Tesla a shock?

The German giant caught in one of industry's biggest-ever scandals, 'Dieselgate', is now making its play to dominate the world of electric cars

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Did Vladimir Putin win Cold War 2.0? 

When former Financial Times editor LIONEL BARBER was granted an audience at the Kremlin, Russia’s president proclaimed the end of the liberal idea. Was he right?

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Reluctant ruler: The man Italy called on in its hour of need

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