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JP O'Malley

When Tito ruled the waves

The Yugoslav autocrat cultivated his international statesman image aboard a yacht where he hosted celebrities and dictators

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Can we ‘turn off’ ageing?

Tech billionaires want to reverse ageing – and even cheat death. But scientist Venki Ramakrishnan says they are chasing a mirage

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Dr Strangelove will see you now

As conflicts ratchet up across the world, the risk of a nuclear war – perhaps even one started by accident – seems closer than ever

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The pioneer: How Liam Brady conquered Italy

The former Arsenal midfielder made Serie A a refuge from the blood and thunder of English football.. even if he did snub Pavarotti.

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In search of the soul of cinema

After 50-plus films, documentarian Mark Cousins continues his never-ending journey into the dark

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Interview with Serhii Plokhy: the end of the Russian empire

According to the Harvard historian, there is one country in Europe where they fight – and die – under the EU flag

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The man who watched the fall of Europe

Looking at the blurred and bloody borders of Habsburg history through the writings of Joseph Roth

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Putin’s public enemy No.1

Jailed for being too political, Mikhail Khodorkovsky says it will take a generation for Russia to recover from his former friend’s vicious and disastrous rule

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