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Jonty Bloom

New poll: the government has lost touch over Brexit

The overwhelming majority of Brits think a close relationship with the EU is important. Why does the government seem to disagree?

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The EU falls into recession and the Brexiters are gloating

Some Europhobes seem to think Europe’s economic problems vindicate Brexit. They’re wrong – again

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The poor old Bank of England

Independence for the Bank is not great, but it is better than the alternative

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The Celtic Tiger roars for real

Ireland’s is the fastest-growing economy in Europe. How has it managed this, and what can the UK learn?

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The Tories should heed warnings from two major figures. Instead, they’re prattling about inheritance tax cuts

Chris Patten and Larry Summers are right to say Brexit’s failure has wrecked the UK economy

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When Poland overtakes the UK

By 2030 its economy will be bigger than Britain’s. Why are we being left behind?

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Some sense at last: What Labour have got right about housing

A plan for councils to build on farmland bought at sensible rates is a good first step

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The immigration figures are good news

Our economy needs young, energetic workers from abroad. The government’s inability to accept this fact is poisoning our politics

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Bregrets? Tim Martin might have a few

The Wetherspoon owner still believes we were right to leave the EU – but even he admits things have not gone to plan

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Time to get tough on the water companies

The people who’ve polluted our national waterways are now asking for more money. Who are they kidding?

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Brexit has killed the British car industry

The government has no plan to save a vanishing sector

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Britain’s £220bn black hole

Everything in the country seems broken. What would be the cost of putting it right, and how would we do it?

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The stealth tax ‘rise’ that will make us all poorer

By 2028, one in five of us will pay the higher rate - nearly four times more than in the early 1990s

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Return of The Blob: This fantasy villain is the Brexiteers’ final weapon

It’s being blamed for Sunak’s common-sense decision to retain most EU laws

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Guy Hands: ‘I thought Brexit was frankly nuts’

The financier and former Tory donor says leaving the EU was a plan by the rich to make themselves richer and the poor poorer

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The Tories are not fit to deliver the new strategy industry needs

The government is failing to do even the simple things as rivals leave it trailing

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The future is green – so when will the government wake up?

A failure to invest in training will ensure Britain misses out on another booming sector

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Why it must be bye-bye to help to buy

Instead of a sensible housing policy, the government is considering whether to restart George Osborne’s disastrous scheme

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Britain, the Brexit basket case

As food shopping gets more expensive across Europe, new checks will make things even worse here

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Unipart takes apart post-Brexit Britain’s lack of investment strategy

Post-Brexit Britain does not have the money or the political will to respond to challenges from the US and EU

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Tinfoil helmet Brexiteering

Claims that Remainers are lying about the true cost of leaving the EU are more ridiculous than ever

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Dangerous idiots

A new, much nastier Conservatism is rearing its head – and has its eyes on power

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Why is UK inflation so much worse than in Europe and the US?

Brexit pressures, from a devalued pound to a worker shortage, are to blame

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Jeremy Hunt’s plan to cut inheritance tax is a disaster

It will win votes from the well-off but lose huge amounts of tax revenue he could have used to help the poor

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We don’t need no education

From school trips to language schools to universities, Brexit has brought chaos to a sector that led the world

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Should we be worried about how safe our banks are?

We’ve supposedly built a better system, yet are there still collapses

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The outlook is better, but Britain is still bottom of the economic class

The new IMF forecasts contain little for Brexiteers to be cheerful about

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The Tories’ future is rejoin

The Conservatives exist only in order to win elections – they will soon twig that one path to doing that involves dumping Brexit

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The wannabe Nigel Lawsons have wrecked our economy

His successors as chancellor believe they can deliver tax cuts like his when they are no longer sustainable

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The lesson of Dover

If you vote for a hard border – surprise surprise – you get a hard border

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Does Sunak’s new trade deal really mean we can never rejoin the EU? Of course not

Linking up with Indo-Pacific countries won’t live up to the Brexiteers’ wild claims

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Sunak’s Green Day for basket case Britain

Can the UK really keep up with the subsidies being offered by America and the EU?

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