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Jonty Bloom

A new report reveals the huge and lasting economic costs of Brexit

Ever wondered why your taxes are so high and public services are in such a poor state? Now you know

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Glory-stealing Rishi Sunak has very little to do with falling inflation

Price rises are finally slowing because of oil and gas, not because of the PM

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The Brexit ship of fools

The thinktank behind Liz Truss’s mini-budget now claims leaving the EU hasn’t harmed UK trade

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Millennials are getting poorer – and the government is to blame

New research shows people aged 30 are earning 8% less than their Gen X counterparts

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Rishi Sunak has blown another big chance with a King’s Speech that ignored Britain’s financial woes

This was the time to tackle failing apprenticeships and the lack of an industrial strategy - it didn’t happen

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Brexit is causing medicine shortages

The supply of drugs, including of antibiotics, is being squeezed

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There’s trouble in store for post-Brexit Britain

Thanks to higher costs, increased red tape and supply chain damage, we must get used to living in a country with empty shelves

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Britain’s scraps from the EU table

Post-Brexit Britain slides ever-further down the EU’s list of priorities

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Why is Britain running out of eggs?

In 2022, Britain produced a billion fewer eggs than in 2019. The knock-on effects of that shortfall are huge

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Inheritance tax is fair: scrapping it would benefit only the wealthiest

Only the richest 4% will pay it, but everyone seems to hate it. Now it is in the government’s sights

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Britain needs to pay higher taxes

Want to know why? Just go abroad

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Sunak celebrates his first year by lifting the cap on bankers’ bonuses – and we’ll all pay for it

In trying to lure back financiers who left because of Brexit, the PM is opening Britain up to a new financial crisis

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The government should blame itself for rising unemployment – instead it’s blaming the unemployed

Bad policies creating low growth are behind Britain’s poor job numbers, not feckless ex-workers

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Replacing HS2 with empty promises

The high speed rail plan was cancelled with promises that new projects would replace it. As yet, there is no plan

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We are running out of money

The latest analysis by the IFS makes for sobering reading

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The death of the office

Covid permanently changed the way we work. Now the WFH revolution has hollowed out our cities

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Expats are being locked out of their pensions – and Brexit is to blame

The Leave-supporting media is still reluctant to admit it damaged its own readers’ interests

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Can Labour cure Britain’s industrial disease?

Manufacturers are crying out for a long-term strategy. The government won’t supply one. Can the Labour Party step in?

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Can Rachel Reeves crack the economy’s biggest problem?

The shadow chancellor is winning rave reviews, but needs to tackle productivity

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The Mail and Express are wrong to say the Bank of England governor now backs Brexit

An interview with Andrew Bailey makes clear the extra burden leaving the EU has put on the Bank and Britain’s economy

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Keir Starmer’s trade trap

No, renegotiating with the EU won’t bring a swift end to red tape – and Labour should not pretend it will

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The gift that keeps on giving

Brexit does have benefits – but not for any of us

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The truth about tax: It’s going to keep rising and there’s nothing we can do about it

After years of Tory gaslighting, Britain needs to come to terms with reality

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Sunak is a coward and his HS2 silence speaks volumes

The Tories are about to kill levelling up and the Northern Powerhouse - they just can’t admit it

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The Tories are selling out British business

Voters have turned their backs on the government, and now industry is following suit

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What Labour should say about Sunak’s cynical green u-turn

Keir Starmer can shut down the Tories’ grab for votes and humiliate the PM

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Sunak’s green U-turn will do vast damage to our economy, just to win a few votes

Business is outraged at yet another new low for the Conservative Party

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Our pensions are the tip of the iceberg

A disaster is coming: we aren’t saving enough for retirement, our state system is broken and our politicians are too scared to act

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Delusional Liz Truss makes it clear that the Conservative civil war will never end

She wrecked the country in days, but the deranged Tory right will still give her ideas another go

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The pension triple lock is bad politics that Britain can no longer afford

Part of George Osborne’s poisonous legacy, the money would be better targeted at poorer OAPs

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Is Germany really doomed?

Brexiteers are looking at the country’s crisis with glee. But their schadenfreude might just be misplaced

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Rejoining Horizon is a correction, not a triumph

Brexiteer Rishi Sunak should get no credit for this Brexit-inflicted farce

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