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Jonty Bloom

Brexit: a ‘total disaster’ of our own making

Brexit has caused a crisis for British manufacturers who export into Europe – and things could be about to get even worse...

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The Brexit fog begins to clear for Andrea Leadsom – eight years too late

One Europhobe is finally waking up to the costs of leaving the EU

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The data that shows how areas that voted Leave have been worst hit by Brexit

An ONS study exposes the myth of levelling up and shows London soaring away from the rest of the country

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The bitter taste of Brexit: New red tape will mean higher food prices

Just as food inflation finally slows, new border checks will make EU produce more expensive in our shops

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How to fix Britain’s gathering EU border crisis

According to Rishi Sunak, it’s really very simple

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The madness of Tory Tax cuts

Everyone knows we can’t afford it. It looks as if Jeremy Hunt is going to do it anyway

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Happy fourth birthday Brexit!

Have Boris Johnson’s hopes and promises come true in the four years since we left the EU?

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Grant Shapps is wrong again – the Tories no longer have a claim to being “the patriotic party”

This government has run down the armed forces like no other

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Inflation is up again – and the Tories still want you to think that’s a success

The government is failing at everything apart from record levels of gaslighting

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Brexit has destroyed any chance of levelling up

A new report shows red wall areas suffering more from Brexit than London does – and it will get worse

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London’s stock exchange – not floating, but sinking

Companies don’t want to list in Britain any more. It’s obvious why

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More scandals will follow the Post Office – it’s the logical consequence of how the Tories rule

They have built a system that rewards mendacity, corruption and greed

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Sunak dreams of tax cuts while Britain collapses around him. He just doesn’t get it

The PM’s new plan is benefit cuts for people who use food banks to fund tax cuts for people who own banks

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The sordid attack on the Bank of England

The right has got it in for the bank – if they get their way, the results could be disastrous

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Great news: house prices will fall in 2024

Constantly rising prices are a sign of economic and political failure

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The government’s start to 2024 shows how desperate it is

From pints of champagne to a war on foreign students, it’s more dismal stuff

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Suez, 2024 style – the latest Brexit benefit

Rwanda and Brexit leave Britain facing a humiliation not seen since 1956 – with empty shelves and economic angst at home

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The Euro is 25. It isn’t perfect, but it has prospered

Germany has dominated too much and Greece should never have been allowed to join

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Brexit means an unhappy new year for Britain’s food industry

More red tape will make life more difficult for producers - and more expensive for us

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Councils will pay the price for Tory tax cuts

Local authorities can expect increasingly large cuts in the years to come as the Conservatives seek to fund their tax agenda

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The year in Brexit   

Despite endless promises of post-EU jam tomorrow, Rishi Sunak’s government has been forced to eat humble pie over the last 12 months

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David Cameron’s U-turn on Brexit is truly embarrassing

The foreign secretary is deluded if he really believes that leaving the EU is “functioning well”

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Pandering to the far right on immigration will bring economic disaster

The government’s migration plans are a cruel mess that will harm British business – and they know it

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The economy is heading towards a crisis at Christmas

High wage growth means tough choices ahead for the Bank of England

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The Guardian’s in-house Brexit apologist

Why does the newspaper continue to publish Larry Elliot’s Corbynite nonsense on the EU?

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Spiteful Sunak has ensured there is no money left – but here’s how Starmer could grow the economy

From planning laws to better skills to a proper industrial strategy, all is not quite lost for Britain

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David Cameron is a failure – but even he is showing up Rishi Sunak

The ex-PM is close to a deal with Spain on Gibraltar, while the current one sulks over Greece

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Rishi Sunak’s big business bash was just smoke and mirrors

Another gambit by the prime minister has ended with big boasts and little substance

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Badenoch’s post-Brexit trade fantasies have been exposed again

The trade secretary's post-Brexit trade deals do plenty for her profile, but very little for the British economy

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Could an independent Scotland make it inside the EU?

Perhaps – but the problems would be immense and the economic damage severe

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Jeremy Hunt’s smoke and mirrors can’t hide high tax and low growth

No wonder the chancellor skipped over damning forecasts in his autumn statement

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Post-Brexit Britain has been captured by the FDI

Foreign Direct Investment is a key economic indicator – and it indicates that Britain is in big trouble

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