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Jonty Bloom

The institutions Truss hates must be protected

The Bank of England and OBR proved their worth as her insane reign collapsed

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No one wants the Commonwealth games

So, does anyone want the Commonwealth itself?

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Is it time to try a third way of water?

Thames Water is a national scandal, but in Wales a not-for-profit counterpart goes from strength to strength

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Whatever happened to the bonfire of EU regulations?

A study reveals that the UK has no choice but to follow tougher trading rules from the bloc

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Ready for a deli drought? Coming soon, the latest Brexit benefit (while stocks last)

Post-Brexit checks and charges on EU food imports are here – and we’ll soon notice their impact

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The Tories’ evisceration of Sure Start should be a national scandal

New data shows the programme not only helped the poorest but paid for itself

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Why have we let the private equity wide boys run riot with our economy?

Giving business free rein while putting ordinary people on a tight leash is part of a depressing pattern

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The ‘self-harm’ Brexit import checks are here – and the damage will be huge

Higher prices and empty shelves are on the way

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The Telegraph’s apology for Brexit is not really an apology at all

Columnist Sherelle Jacobs says leaving the EU has “spectacularly failed” - but only because we have not tried hard enough

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The Tories’ mindless vandalism of higher education

Britain’s universities and colleges are on the brink because of government policies

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No wonder the farmers who voted for Brexit are furious

The eye-catching tractor protests are justified from a stitched-up sector that mostly voted Leave

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These crazy housing affordability numbers show Nimbys are killing Britain

The only answer to our property problems is unlocking the ability to build more homes

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Leo Varadkar stood up for the whole island of Ireland against Brexit madness

The outgoing Taoiseach ran rings around Boris Johnson as he made peace a priority

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Inflation falls, but it’s nothing to do with Sunak

If anyone’s “plan” is working, it’s the Bank of England’s

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The state we’re in: Brexit has left the UK unfit for purpose

Civil service numbers have soared as the government undermines its own response to Brexit

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The new report that spells out the waste and muddle of the UK’s response to Brexit

An extra 100,000 civil servants have been hired, but are being undermined by a rudderless government

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Kemi Badenoch is hoping no-one notices Britain’s manufacturing slump

The UK has slipped three places to 11th on the list of the world’s top makers

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Economy of truth: Debunking Hunt’s migrant myths

The data shows that more foreign workers are good for the UK. So why is the chancellor so keen to pretend otherwise?

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Jeremy Hunt has shown he doesn’t care about councils or defence – just tripping up Labour

His Budget looks worse - and more cynical - by the day

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Jeremy Hunt is wrong. Britain is still on a road to higher taxes

A 2p cut in national insurance won’t make up for stealth rises in income tax

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Regardless of what gloating Brexiteers say, Germany will be back

Brexit supporters claim Germany’s crisis proves we were right to leave the EU. That’s puerile, illogical stuff

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Whatever the budget brings, let’s hope it’s not a tribute to Nigel Lawson

Jeremy Hunt is an admirer of the chancellor whose policies caused a massive recession

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Here’s the budget Hunt won’t dare deliver

Instead of a pitiful tax cut and more shuffling of deckchairs on the Tory Titanic, this programme would revitalise Britain

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Britain can’t afford tax cuts in this budget, and Jeremy Hunt knows it

A new report makes clear that the Tories’ economic planning is based on fantasy

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Kemi Badenoch, not Lindsay Hoyle, is the one MPs should be worrying about

The business secretary’s conflict with Canada is serious - and it has diminished Britain

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Damning Brexit verdict completes Sunak’s triple whammy

The Tories can change the manager but not the facts: their flagship policy is a huge economic drag

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Rishi Sunak has got the farming industry’s back -and he’s stabbed them in it

The PM’s performance at the NFU conference was pathetic even by his standards

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The UK is in recession – and that makes a dodgy Sunak budget even more likely

Reckless tax cuts financed by slashing public spending will be the PM’'s answer to more bad economic news

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Goldman Sachs says Brexit is costing us 5% of GDP. How long can this disaster go on?

While Kemi Badenoch celebrates meaningless memorandums, the damage of leaving the EU is becoming clearer

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‘Pompous prick’ Rees-Mogg wanders into the farmers’ fields of ire

Agriculture is in a crisis created by Brexit, and farmers are furious.. as Jacob Rees-Mogg found out

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How the Tories have squeezed law and order

Chronic underfunding has crushed both the courts and the police

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Why the housing industry is voting for Labour

The Tory party has been captured by the Nimbys

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