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Jonty Bloom

The dying Tories’ Project Fear

Wild, unsubstantiated claims about Labour’s plans recall the worst of George Osborne

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UCLA says the UK is not OK

A damning report from a California university says we are in decline and decay

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Brexit’s FDI crisis

Foreign investors are shunning Britain, and there is only one reason why

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Britain is playing economic catch-up

Why have we failed to invest anywhere near as much as our rivals – and what can we do to put things right?

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The original “bastard”

John Redwood: the man who got everything wrong

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The productivity gap

The rest of Britain is catching up with London – but don’t celebrate just yet

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The BBC failed us in 2016

The mainstream media made some spectacular errors of judgment in the run-up to the EU referendum and were played for fools by the Leave campaign

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Brexit – signs of hope

If Labour wins, the grown-ups will be back in the room

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Why the Brexiteers are lying about trade

A new book explains a dry, complex subject with verve and wit

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Migration? Yes, please

Farage is wrong: immigrants make a positive contribution to our economy. Why won’t anyone say so?

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Tory manifesto: going for broke

A load of cobblers, written by charlatans, promoted by the deluded

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Why the Lib Dems’ single market stance matters

They won’t win the election - but at least they are the adults in the room

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How the Tories sabotaged Britain’s universities

The world university rankings paint a dangerous picture for Britain, with 58% of UK unis declining in rank

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Gove has torn us apart

A pro-Brexit, self-promoting opportunist, he did huge damage to Britain in a career marked by betrayals and duplicity

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It’s the stupid economy

The debate over the nation’s economic health has headed off into fantasy land. It needs to come back to reality

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The Tories’ legacy of waste

A new report spells out the depths to which they have sunk the UK

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The Tories’ apprenticeship farce

The Tories want to cut university places to give more funds to a failing scheme

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Jim Ratcliffe: a man disunited from reality

His team, Manchester United, won the FA Cup, but still face a tricky rebuild. Also difficult? His views on Brexit

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Vive la difference

Jeremy Hunt says Labour wants to turn Britain into France. Would that be such a bad idea?

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Does Sunak really think he is fooling anyone?

The prime minister needs to realise voters don’t like being lied to

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You won’t win this election on the economy, stupid

Rishi Sunak’s gamble on going to the country looks sure to rebound

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The Tories fail another exam

There’s a simple way to save our crisis-hit universities. But Rishi Sunak is the only one who can’t see it

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Grant Shapps’ great Navy con

The defence secretary’s “golden age of shipbuilding” announcement merely reiterated plans made years ago

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How we became Poland’s poor relation

Poland’s economy is thriving, thanks to the benefits of being in the EU. No wonder Brexiteers see it as a threat

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Another reminder of how the Tories have failed the NHS

Despite the pandemic and record waiting lists, health spending has gone up less than was promised

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Want to live with your parents forever? Then vote Tory

Affordable housing should be a defining election issue for Britain’s young people

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Yes, Hunt IS gaslighting us all

Talk of turning a corner is premature when we’re worse off than this time last year

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Europe Day is worth celebrating

Europe Day is here again – and despite the EU’s problems, it is well worth celebrating

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Like a bad smell, Farage is back

Newspaper reports claim that Nigel Farage is ready to return to frontline politics and stand for Reform in the general election

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Post-Brexit Britain's border disaster

Welcome to the Sevington Inland Border Facility, the Brexiteers’ gift to Britain

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How smuggling saved Britain

During WWII, top-secret Operation Danegeld brought huge amounts of precision equipment from surrounded Switzerland to help Britain’s war effort

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The lies on the bus go round

The Mail claims that NHS funding rises prove Brexit’s most notorious slogan was right. They’re wrong again

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