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Jonty Bloom

The sick man of Europe is back

Joining what became the EU saved British business. Now all the conditions that led to our decline are back in place

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The Blob – the Brexiteers’ new excuse for their fantasy’s every failure

Brexiteers won’t admit that their fantasies are in free-fall and they can no longer blame everything on the EU. So they’ve identified a new target

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The government’s ‘Benefits of Brexit’ paper presents our grim road ahead

The government’s 102-page document is heavy on hype, light on detail and devoid of good sense

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This government is incapable of fixing Brexit – no matter who leads it

Boris Johnson is promising a Brexit reboot. But anyone hoping for sensible solutions to our dealings with the EU will be disappointed.

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Talk of Singapore on Thames economy is merely a reflection of Brexit ignorance

Regime change at No.10 could revive one vision of the British economy. But it remains totally unrealistic.

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New border red tape is choking British business… and it’s only just the beginning

Almost unnoticed as Partygate occupies minds and headlines, new Brexit rules are already doing serious damage to British business.

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Happy New Brexit Year… the worst is yet to come

New rules and standards on EU trade will make the first set of Brexit measures pale into insignificance.

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The tech firm whose fate shows the flaws of Global Britain

The tech firm’s sale was supposed to demonstrate confidence in a post-Brexit UK. But it hasn’t worked out like that.

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Yes, Brexit really IS a big driver of our lorry crisis

The UK’s supply chains face more problems every day. So why the denial over what helped cause this, and where is the strategy that will resolve it?

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The apprentice scheme that has failed to prepare Brexit Britain

Brexit, like Covid, has undoubtedly contributed to a jobs crisis. But another major problem has been the government's failure to create a properly functioning apprenticeship system.

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How to fix Britain’s housing shortage

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The true cost of Brexit is becoming clearer

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