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Jonty Bloom

The problem with Sunak’s tax

The PM’s use of a blind trust is saving him a fortune - but it sent a terrible message to Britain

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Brexit has ruined everything, everywhere, all at once

Jeremy Hunt’s budget shows that leaving the EU is only paying off in a parallel universe

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If Britain ignores the law, then the consequences will be disastrous

From what we know of the current Conservative party, they might just do it

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The Budget is another wasted chance by a bunch of chancers

A pensions saving giveaway for the super-rich shows the government’s warped priorities

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Manufacturing outrage: Why Britain’s makers have turned their backs on the government

The country’s manufacturers have given up on the Conservatives and are waiting for the election that removes them

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The flaw at the heart of Jeremy Hunt’s childcare budget plans

Sticking-plaster fixes and benefit-cut threats won’t fill the worker gap

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Strikes aren’t destroying Britain – the government is

An ONS report finds no justification for their anti-union legislation

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The sacrificial lambs of Brexit

As they get used to subsidies that are a fraction of those paid by the European Union, Brexit continues to wreck the lives of Britain’s small farmers

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Another Brexit dividend: Suppliers are running scared of doing business with Britain

Manufacturers say fears over red tape and political chaos are creating more uncertainty

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Sunak has let slip the truth about the single market. Brexit will never be the same again

Now the rest of Britain will ask, ‘if it’s so great, why aren't we in it too?’

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Poland will outgrow Britain unless we break our addiction to tax cuts

Keir Starmer’s target is laudable, but it requires a political sea change

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Think the tomato shortages are bad? You ain’t seen nothing yet

A food industry expert warns that parts of the food chain may collapse when Brexit checks come in later this year

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Was Liz Truss a genius after all?

The short-lived PM’s new big idea sounds suspiciously familiar…

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Are we the new Italy?

Our economy is suffering the same problems of low growth and poor productivity experienced by our Italian neighbour

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Boris Johnson doesn’t care about Northern Ireland… only himself

The ex-PM’s Protocol intervention once again shows that it’s all about him

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Britain’s creative block

From Shaun the Sheep to Grand Theft Auto, Brexit is choking the arts, and the government is doing nothing about it

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Sunak’s pretence that Brexit bad news isn’t real will damage our economy even further

New figures put the cost at £1,000 of leaving the EU at per household per year

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Bad science: Michelle Donelan’s laughable Brexit posturing over Horizon

Britain is on the verge of regaining access to the EU-led research budget - so why pretend we can credibly go it alone?

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The tragic money tree

What happened to all Britain’s cash? The answer is that right wing economics have failed Britain – again

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The brazen con of Kemi Badenoch’s post-Brexit trade partnership with Italy

The government hail it as “momentous” - it’s just a simple memo with no extra money or cut in tariffs

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Brexit compromise on the Northern Ireland Protocol spells danger for Sunak

Sensible changes agreed with the EU will only put Johnson and the ERG back on manoeuvres

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Brexit’s flat battery

The unsurprising collapse of Britishvolt, and the total lack of strategy or investment in batteries, will be the final nail in the coffin for the car industry

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Brexodus: Where have all the workers gone?

The consequences of ending the free movement of people between Britain and the EU are becoming painfully clear

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Brexit has only cost us and the worst is yet to come

The OBR forecast that Brexit would cost the UK economy 4% of GDP now looks ridiculously optimistic as the damage mounts

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So long, and thanks for all the fish

Brexit was supposed to save the UK’s fishing industry. Instead, it has made its plight even worse

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Happy new year… the worst is yet to come

We’re in a recession, energy bills are due to rise again and the timebomb of an ageing population ticks on. But Britain continues to live in a fantasy

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Brexomertà: what they won’t say about our national disaster

Britain can no longer avoid the blindingly obvious. But our leaders seem intent on doing so

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Out of service

Bands, lawyers and architects are all suffering as Brexit damages a sector that makes up 80% of the UK economy

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Banging your head against a wall

Brexit has damaged British construction through a self-inflicted skills shortage and higher prices for imported raw materials

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The end of the road

Ex-Defra secretary George Eustice has admitted that post-EU trade deals are a disaster for our farmers. But agriculture’s problems don’t end there

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Hospitality’s hospital pass

The government’s Brexit policy has devastated the sector – and opened up a £7bn black hole in public finances

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The Brexit double fault

'Wimbledonisation' helped the City of London become Europe’s financial capital. But leaving the EU has been much less of an advantage

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