John Sweeney
28 August 2024
Hitting Putin where it hurts

Ukraine’s daring incursion into Kursk shows a dictator in crisis, with the Russian people and China turning their backs on him
Read the full article21 February 2024
Alexei Navalny and me

Navalny knew that every syllable he uttered was a potential death sentence, but he spoke anyway
Read the full article20 December 2023
Christmas in Kyiv

For the bereaved citizens of Ukraine, the holiday season is the cruellest time of all
Read the full article13 December 2023
Ukraine’s winter has come

Putin’s Russia is a chaos engine and we are letting him get away with it
Read the full article05 December 2023
Fear and loathing fuel Putin’s campaign trail

The dictator in the Kremlin may not be popular, yet he rules unopposed. But once again he is going to the polls – why?
Read the full article26 July 2023
The Ukrainian spirit that Russia can’t destroy

No one in Kyiv wants to fight this war. But the monster next door has to be fought
Read the full article07 June 2023
Blowing up the dam: Putin has given up on Crimea

The question is no longer whether Putin can win, but how many more people will die before he loses
Read the full article10 May 2023
It’s all come back to bite him: Why Putin is toast

Failing in Ukraine and undermined by his allies: make no mistake, this is the beginning of the end for Vladimir Putin
Read the full article