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Jessica Lionnel

The Alpine border towns making capital out of culture

Gorizia and Nova Gorica share a history of division but are now united as the first transnational European Capital of Culture

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A father’s fight against femicide culture

Gino Cecchettin, whose daughter Giulia was murdered by her ex-boyfriend, is leading the fight to end violence against women

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What does Musk want with Italy?

Elon Musk and Giorgia Meloni seem to have a harmonious friendship – at least in front of the cameras

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The end of Italy’s largest glacier

The rapid speed at which the Adamello is melting shouldn’t come as a shock; the past two years have been unbearably hot in Italy

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The biggest Christmas tree in the world

The Christmas tree in the Umbrian town of Gubbio in central Italy is so big, you can even switch the lights on from space

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Italy’s Glastonbury for chocoholics

If Umbria is hailed as the heart of Italy, then its capital, Perugia, is the heart of all things chocolatey

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Italy’s beautiful region that doesn’t exist

A mountainous area bordering the Adriatic sea has become something of a laughing stock among Italians over the past decade

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The other Meloni

You’ve met Italy’s prime minister Giorgia – now meet her equally controversial sibling Arianna

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Sicily is gasping for water

When the island’s agriculture sector suffers, its tourism industry soon feels the consequences

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Meloni’s new anti-abortion laws

The Italian prime minister’s abortion law amendment has sparked fear and anger among women across the country

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When Haggis comes to Tuscany

The small town of Barga in Italy celebrates Burns night in its own way

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The expat life loses its appeal in Italy

As Italy turns to the right, the grass is looking greener back home for Britons

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Beware the unruly gulls of Rome

The city has problems with aggressive gulls and overflowing rubbish – and the two go hand in hand

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Giorgia Meloni, the Queenmaker

Giorgia Meloni is now apparently allied with both Marine Le Pen and Ursula Von der Leyen – but is she really?

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Will racism ever be booted out of Italian football?

Racist discrimination in the game is becoming more noticeable than ever. Does Italy intend to do something about it and is the solution to the issue black and white?

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Italy’s forgotten capital

Salemi’s status as capital lasted a mere 24 hours, but the pride its residents feel today is immeasurable.

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A crime against pizza in Naples

In Italy, one famous Neapolitan pizzaiolo is daring to change the city’s view of putting pineapple on pizza

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Italians’ nutty hankering for Ferrero

In Italy, food is political capital and Ferrero products are no exception

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Italy starts the new year with a bang

Italy is far from the Wild West but the country’s gun laws need attention

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Sinner becomes saint: Italy embraces a new tennis star

Jannick Sinner’s victory at the Australian Open proves that Italians, like us all, love a winner

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Life on the edge of a volcano

If the Phlegraean Fields caldera were to erupt after 500 years of dormancy, Italy would be on its knees

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When the circus (and lion) came to town in Italy

Despite recent events, the vast majority of Italians are opposed to using animals in circuses

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Giorgia Meloni’s stagnant first year

Italy has a history of premiers not completing their tenure. Will Meloni be any different?

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Where is tiramisù really from?

The origin of Italy’s favourite dessert is a hotly contested topic

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The Indian slaves growing Italy’s crops

On the outskirts of the capital, Punjabi-Sikhs are being forced to work in brutal conditions

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After Berlusconi, Italy is changing channels

Berlusconi may have gone, but his TV legacy – and his influence – lives on

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Italians wish the Asian stink bug would buzz off

The creatures were accidentally introduced in 2012 and haven’t exactly gained favour with the locals

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You should visit Treviso’s handmade theme park

Give into your inner child and pay the unconventional Parco ai Pioppi a visit

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Italians warm to air conditioning as temperatures soar

Italians are breaking with the past and switching on air conditioning. That alone is a sign that environmental change is underway

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Sympathy in Trentino for a killer bear

JJ4, a 17-year-old brown bear, killed a human – and now her fate is being decided by a television phone-in

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Meloni vs the English language

History is repeating itself in Italy – and not in a good way

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Italy’s ‘fuel’ is running out

Lack of rain and extreme summer heat are causing a dramatic decline in olive oil production in Italy. Consumers and producers alike are worried

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