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Jeremy Blackmore

Healing through harmony: 20 years of the European Doctors Orchestra

The EDO celebrated the milestone with a public charity concert at the Glasshouse International Centre for Music in Gateshead

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Can, the professors of rhythm

Irmin Schmidt on the hypnotic chemistry of Can, Europe's most influential band

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Noise from the ruins

How Berlin made the notorious, magnificent Einstürzende Neubauten

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I made a film today, oh boy: how John Lennon’s Spanish adventure inspired one of his greatest songs

Over seven weeks in Almería Lennon worked tirelessly on arguably his greatest, and most personal, Beatles composition, Strawberry Fields Forever

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Return of the Oxygenius

At the age of 75, synthesiser pioneer Jean-Michel Jarre is back with two new projects and a determination to innovate and disrupt

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The joy of revolution: the enduring power of Man with a Movie Camera

Dziga Vertov’s film changed cinema and outlasted the USSR – now it’s raising awareness of Ukraine’s fight

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Kosmische dancers: the trancelike tales of Tangerine Dream

Dalí! Hollywood! Rotten eggs! The German electro-rockers pushed more than just musical boundaries

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Brexit won’t stop the music for one British musician in Paris

Brexit has made touring a logistical nightmare for artists. Just ask Kate Stables, aka This Is The Kit

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Très bien ensemble: the Beatles in Paris

New photos by Paul McCartney reveal a band on the cusp of global stardom, trapped for a mad three weeks in the city of light

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Vive le Style Council!

When Weller and co went all French on us

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Band on the Run: Paul McCartney’s 1972 European mystery tour

Fifty years ago, with a couple of vans, children and dogs in tow, Paul McCartney set off to Europe with a new band to realise a dream

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