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Jason Solomons

How a little-known reporter exposed one of Stalin’s biggest scandals

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The Windermere children who escaped the holocaust in the lake district

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Roman Polanski provides the controversy at a topical Venice film festival

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Bedfordshire, Brexit and Bruce Springsteen: This summer’s feelgood hit

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The story of singer and writer Leonard Cohen’s own Love Island

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Ibiza: The Silent Movie – The potted history of the hedonistic island

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JASON SOLOMONS: Diego Maradona – Class, Cocaine and The Camorra

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Europe on the brink: The spellbinding film that shows a continent slipping into an abyss

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JASON SOLOMONS: The indestructible goalkeeper

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London Made Us: Robert Elm’s love letter to the capital

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The night the Nazis took New York

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Sink or swim: Why a French film made a splash and an English version flopped

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JASON SOLOMONS: The best films of 2018 you have yet to see

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Rudolf Nureyev: The story of the ballet dancing defector

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Jason Solomons: Your must-see films of the moment

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A Cold War love story

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JASON SOLOMONS: The film breaking football’s last taboo

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When activism was a matter of life or death

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Titans of tennis: When ice met fire

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Film’s star may be fading, but its gems still surprise

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Jacques Cousteau: The man who took the world beneath the waves

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‘Valerian is made, it’s my baby … don’t touch my baby, or I’ll kill you’

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Dunkirk is a flawed masterpiece which flatters the British ego

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Review: Loveless – a compellingly grim look at modern Russia

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Review: Ismael’s Ghost is a film collapsing under the dazzle of its own ideas

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Euro villains: Should we care that British means bad in Hollywood?

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