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James Ball

2025: The year of living dangerously

The 12 months ahead are fraught with danger for both Keir Starmer and Kemi Badenoch

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Sorry, Daily Telegraph, but a UK-to-US brain drain isn’t going to happen

The paper’s Sam Ashworth-Hayes thinks catastrophe is on the cards - but there are several factors he’s overlooked

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The Badenoch v Farage membership row is the shape of politics to come

The Tory leader has given her rival even more free publicity - but she's right to have picked this fight

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The truth about It’s A Wonderful Life

This supposedly heart-warming yuletide classic is the story of a NIMBY preparing to impose a radical moral agenda on his selfish neighbours

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Keir Starmer – a man without a plan

First, Labour had “missions” and then it came out with “milestones” – but what it doesn’t have is a plan for government, and it seems incapable of making one

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The five political lessons of 2024

Forget polling and lifetime party loyalty – all that’s gone. In their place we have a broken system, Reform as the main opposition party, and a growing threat from disinformation

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Meet Nigel Farage’s new moneyman

Nick Candy, the billionaire property developer, is now in charge of Reform’s finances. Now people will see Farage’s “man of the people” act for what it is – a sham

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The public is running ahead of Starmer on Brexit

A survey shows UK voters would accept free movement and want closer ties with Europe

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Starmer’s long-winded road

How can the PM connect with voters when he and his advisers keep spewing out meaningless word salad?

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The new Brexit time bomb

A refresh of EU product safety standards, GPSR, will be a disaster for the UK’s small exporters, with the government little help

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If Musk wants to give Farage £100m, let him

There’s a good case for shaking up UK campaign finance - but banning one particular donation would backfire

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The assisted dying debate adds to Starmer’s woes

Victory for Kim Leadbeater’s bill won’t stop legitimate doubts about it - or it becoming a distraction for a PM struggling to define himself

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The Louise Haigh affair is a cock-up by Team Starmer

Why has No.10 been so swift to wield the axe now when the PM has known about her conviction for years?

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The rise of the ‘fuck you’ party

Across the world, a new coalition is growing – of exhausted people on all sides who are gunning for Scholz, Macron... and Starmer

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Why Britain can’t afford to ignore X

A social media rumour about Keir Starmer has attracted millions of views – aided by far right figures who amplify conspiracy theories online

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Is Germany’s economy kaput?

With a declining industrial base, a lack of support for emerging sectors, and a shaky financial landscape, the country’s downturn might be here to stay

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Yes, farmers have been stitched up – but not by inheritance tax

These protests have picked the wrong cause. Brexit is what they should be angriest about

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Thanks to Trump, Bitcoin is booming.. but it is still useless

Key questions about the cryptocurrency remain unanswered even as the Republican’s victory causes it to soar

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Can anyone make the Church of England relevant?

The next Archbishop of Canterbury has an almost impossible job

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The Democrats: the losers who knew best

Arrogant and stuck on broadcast mode, the Democrats have stopped listening to America

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Dominic Cummings: a one hit blunder

The former political adviser has mistaken himself for a visionary intellectual rebel. If that’s so, why is his legacy so small – and crap?

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How Europe should deal with Trump

As Ukraine despairs and Europe’s populists cheer Trump’s win, Keir Starmer faces up to the need to rejoin the single market

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The night when hope ebbed away

Trump is now ominously close to victory as the Harris surge proved a fantasy

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Badenoch inherits the poisoned chalice

The new Tory leader has been handed a shaky mandate by a depleted party rooted in deep denial

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The White House race is ending in chaos and calamity

The Harris v Trump contest remains on a knife-edge. So does the country

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Where’s the vision, Rachel?

The Budget largely avoided tough choices as the new chancellor put pressure on Wes Streeting by throwing cash at the NHS

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America, nihilist nation

The shining city on the hill has become a citadel of darkness. Whoever wins, American optimism is dead

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A crowd-pleasing open goal for Labour

This £200m policy would help children and be the first step to restarting Sure Start

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Spot the lies in Farage’s tale of his Trump trips

The Reform leader’s attack on Labour over its activists volunteering for Kamala Harris has blown up in his face

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Can Kamala do it?

The Democrats are united and have stuck to a plan that has worked so far. But if it goes wrong, the party could go into meltdown

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How to kill a newspaper

Owned by an oligarch and run by an editor who seems suddenly out of his depth, the London Evening Standard has been subjected to a slow, cruel death

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Alan Johnson’s lesson for Keir Starmer

Johnson says that his new book on Harold Wilson isn’t meant as a message to the current PM. But it is

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