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James Ball

James Ball’s Deconstructed: Arron Banks investigation

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JAMES BALL: They are taking the P with Brexit 50p

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The perils of pledge politics

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JAMES BALL: Will May be brought down by the budget?

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No winners in Theresa May’s dangerous endgame

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JAMES BALL: Desperate Tories are divided, deluded and dooming the country

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JAMES BALL: Hardliners struggle to get the basics of Brexit right

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We’ve fewer than 100 days left to fix Brexit

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‘No-Deal’ Brexit? Yes! We have gone bananas​!

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Cracks in the Corbyn edifice

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How your holidays will change forever

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JAMES BALL: Rees-Mogg’s hard Brexit mob is holding the country hostage

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Brexit Deconstructed: White Paper is the last temptation of May

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3:35am, June 24, 2016. Sterling is in freefall. And Nigel Farage is beaming

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JAMES BALL: Short-sighted leaders will harm economy

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Brexit Deconstructed: Cracking up? EU’s problems make Brexit even tougher

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There’s zero good about Brexit for vulnerable workers

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Brexit Deconstructed: Snap election would offer no way out for May’s Brexit

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EU exposed by Trump’s Iran deal withdrawal

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Exclusive: Northern Ireland’s paltry Brexit fund

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The troublesome trio May would not miss

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Brexit Deconstructed: UK will be left outside as Europe gets things done

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Brexit bias? Attacks on the BBC are a classic case of misdirection

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BREXIT DECONSTRUCTED: Toxic Rees-Mogg’s wonky tariff claims

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Facebook and the dark side of data

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Brexit Deconstructed: Go-it-alone Britain has much to learn

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Brexit Deconstructed: Truth of ‘America First’ is dire for UK

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Brexit Deconstructed: Corbyn and May just added to the muddle

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Brexit Deconstructed: Chaos + malice = potential for evil

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Brexit will deconstruct Britain’s industries

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Brexit Deconstructed: Government would be £1.6bn worse off every week after hard Brexit

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Brexit deconstructed: Britain is running out of road – fast!

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