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James Ball

A dark decade lies ahead for Europe

As it faces its latest crisis, triggered by Belarus, a looming leadership vacuum threatens to condemn the EU to years of stagnation behind other global powers

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Looking abroad for the answers on social care

The challenge of funding and providing social care is not unique to the UK. So what can we learn from other countries?

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Seven reasons Scotland should stay in the Union

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The cynical case for aid that even our cynical leaders can’t seem to grasp

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Europe arms itself in race against the third wave

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The real bid to sell off the NHS

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The biggest scandal may be that no rules were broken

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Alex Salmond’s gambit relies more on hope than data

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What’s really behind Britain’s endless flag debate?

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What is Europe’s problem with the AstraZeneca jab?

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The winners and the losers in Europe’s vaccine race

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The unhelpful comparisons surrounding Britain’s Covid debt

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Winning court cases won’t stop the Tories… it’s time for a change in tactics

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The way out of lockdown is becoming clearer, but the PM must not rush it

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The clever politics that could save Keir Starmer’s leadership

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The big threat to the vaccine rollout

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The solution to school closures must be long term, not short

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America enters a new chapter without Donald Trump – but with similar plot twists

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The worryingly familiar signs for Britain’s vaccine roll-out

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11 urgent steps this Gogglebox government needs to take

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The Brexit deal deconstructed: what it all means

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In this bleak, mad winter, lightness is coming

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The Brexit blame game is a lot easier than getting a deal

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Why Brexit all comes down to fish

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How the Priti Patel bullying scandal exposed deeper problems

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The two calamities Dominic Cummings has left behind

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Don’t get too carried away… we haven’t seen the end of Donald Trump yet

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Election chaos plays into Donald Trump’s hands

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What will a Joe Biden presidency actually mean for America?

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At the upcoming US election, Donald Trump really is toast

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How the government gave coronavirus a head start

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Donald Trump is cornered by coronavirus

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