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James Ball

Time is running out to fix British democracy

To survive storm Johnson and salvage British democracy, we must change how the UK runs its public sector

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Jacob Rees-Mogg and the ministry of funny business

The newly appointed Brexit opportunities minister has been repeatedly reassured by the prime minister that his new role isn't a demotion, which is usually a sign that it is

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A sign of The (New York) Times: The logic behind the newspaper’s Wordle purchase

In Buying Wordle, The New York Times raised a few eyebrows. But, it does make sense in this digital age.

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The art of the grift: Why NFTs are No F***ing Good

If NFTs are the future of art then the future looks bleak. But, if it is supposed to be representative of the era that generates it, then perhaps it is what we deserve.

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Welcome to the 21st Century Reformation

Where did the current cultural upheaval begin exactly? And will the social schism it has created end in unity – or a more deeply divided nation?

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Boris Johnson and Prince Andrew: A pair of entitled men no longer defying gravity

The two men aren't getting away with their rotting of British life any longer. The #MeToo moment may not have delivered all that was hoped, but is this the start of the #HadIt era?

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55 Tufton Street, SW1: The most influential address you’ve never heard of

It’s home to pro-Brexit groups and climate change sceptics. But just how much power over this government is wielded by the tenants of 55 Tufton Street?

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Maybe things are, in fact, looking up

Boris Johnson’s motivations for avoiding an Omicron lockdown are all bad, but that doesn’t make him the equivalent of Meryl Streep’s president in Don’t Look Up.

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Boris Johnson has become, quite literally, a Major disaster

Boris Johnson and his government are starting to resemble John Major's final term in office. Is history repeating itself for the Conservatives?

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The high-pay warehouse party that can’t last

The government is engaging in a continuous anti-foreign agenda, disguised under the slogan "global Britain". No wonder investors are staying away.

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Your prime minister needs you… to make him richer

Boris Johnson continues to try and convince the public that he is acting in their interest, not just his own.

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Boris Johnson’s litany of lies and laziness

Boris Johnson's blunders since Brexit makes for quite the list, does the public now have buyer's remorse?

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Exclusive: Boris Johnson’s callous jibe about married life with Carrie Symonds

Boris Johnson’s record as a man unscrupulous in both public and private life is second to none. Recent polls suggest a swing away from the Tories, so is the public finally demonstrating a degree of buyer’s remorse?

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Why we should all be worried about the government’s Online Safety Bill

Without properly thought-through measures from the government this piece of legislation risks making the internet worse.

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Denial won’t stop another winter wasted by Coronavirus

Wishing the pandemic to be over – or claiming that Tories can’t catch the virus from one another – doesn’t make it true.

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Boris Johnson has made it hard to be optimistic about COP26 summit

It's the most important conference on the planet, yet already its organisation is being labelled as farce in the making.

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Why are the Tories so keen on punishing young people?

The government believes baby boomers do not care for future generations - and polling appears to support it. JAMES BALL explains why this is a problematic strategy.

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The Tory case for saving Channel 4 from privatisation

It won't be opposition MPs that decide the future of Channel 4 - but politicians sat on the government benches. Here's why they should reconsider plans for privatisation.

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UK’s descent back to the Winter of Discontent

Boris Johnson gives reality cold shrift as Britain enters its Brexit Winter of Discontent.

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The compelling case for online voting in elections

But the case for changing the voting system is less clear cut, argues JAMES BALL.

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Trouble in store: The Brexit bureaucracy about to cause a storm

JAMES BALL examines the areas where Britain is now feeling the painful consequences of its departure from the EU.

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HS2: Why can’t Britain ever get the big things right?

As HS2 shows, there is a problem with the UK that means the country cannot deliver the major projects needed to prepare us for the future.

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James Ball’s Deconstructed: Europe overtakes UK in vaccine race

Despite the UK's head start in the vaccine race, it is now falling behind the rest of Europe.

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James Ball’s Deconstructed: The very strange truth about conspiracies (And why you probably believe in nonsense)

Whether it's aliens, QAnon or even beliefs about cheating in the referendum, fringe beliefs are now the mainstream

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Why Europe lags behind the States on legalisation of cannabis

How has the US – ridden with culture wars and deeply divided on so many issues – managed to largely legalise weed with so little fuss and furore, while supposedly liberal Europe lags behind?

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What IS the liberal response to the migrant crisis?

Hand-wringing about the plight of migrants crossing the Channel and Mediterranean by boat - and angry words about their treatment - will only go so far. What would liberal progressives actually like to see done?

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Boris Johnson’s huge Covid gamble and the challenge for the opposition

Critics of the government’s re-opening strategy need more than just carping. They need to offer their own analysis

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Matt Hancock and the other scandal

The former health secretary’s other misdeeds may have attracted more headlines, but the use of private email and WhatsApp for government business is a serious concern

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Don’t forget.. don’t forgive.. Theresa May was a terrible PM

Five years after she took office, we should resist a rose-tinted view of Theresa May’s time in Downing Street

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Our vaccine selfishness will allow Covid to thrive again

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Don’t believe the spin: Brexit is responsible for staff shortages

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From Sleepy Joe to Radical Joe – how the US president confounded expectations

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