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Hester Underhill

A quantum art experience in Berlin

A new show in the German capital is attempting to bring to life the core principles of quantum physics

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Athens’s plan to combat addiction

Could Athens's new approach to helping users slowly reverse the country's drug crisis?

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The horror of Greece’s femicide

After six gender-based murders so far this year, Greek women now feel such tragedies are inevitable

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Greece offers gay marriage a lukewarm welcome

Kyriakos Mitsotakis is trying, and failing, to prove that he’s a modern, liberal prime minister

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Exploring where the Parthenon Marbles once were

The argument that only the British Museum can protect the marbles isn’t accepted in Greece

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The Cretan baby scandal

Trafficked migrants, fake embryo transfers, babies for sale… the shocking story that reveals the dark side of Crete

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The new Spartans on the march

In Greece, the far-right is bouncing back into the political mainstream

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