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Francis Beckett

Trump is America’s logical destination

The recent scenes in the Oval Office were horrifying – but the disdain Trump showed to Zelensky is not as new as it seems

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Starmer’s Stockholm Syndrome over the Daily Mail

The paper loathes Labour and its PM - and that won’t change. So why are they still so keen to please it?

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Belgium, the land of beer

Belgians are justly proud of their national drink, and just a little bit fussy about it

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Returning to Nice for Bastille Day

Nice is still celebrating Bastille Day in the shadow of the 2016 terrorist truck attack

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A wedding at the heart of the EU zone

Many of those who keep the wheels of Eurocracy turning get hitched in Brussels’ town hall

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French politics burns in the summer heat

In Nice, a stronghold of the French hard right, the racial and political tensions simmer

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In Nye, British theatre goes beyond history

This production at the National Theatre gives Nye Bevan the Churchill treatment

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My thwarted trip to Rome

At every step of my breathless and frustrating journey, Gatwick Airport was able to cash in on the unexpected delays

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A New Year’s Eve feast in Spain

No matter the season, you can eat well in Galicia

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Brexit has wiped Britain off the map

Brussels spares little time to think of the UK, and the waters of the North Sea really are closing over the British

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Nineteen words that hint a Starmer government could be far more radical than we think

The Labour leader’s praise for Clement Attlee in a new book is significant

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The chronicles that keep France’s past alive

In Crécy, chroniclers understand that history is not just drama: it’s humdrum everyday life

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For ever, our corner of a foreign field

Today, the first world war is far from forgotten in Flanders, and the English are always welcome

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What Britain’s MEPs did next

Three years after they left Brussels, a new book finds them still – mostly – fighting for Europe

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The forgotten European army

A new book about Britain’s MEPs charts the political journeys of this quiet army of people still – mostly – fighting for Europe

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The bomb that killed the truth

It is five years since the Maltese investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia was murdered. Her son Matthew talks about his family’s continuing fight against corruption

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Every bit of Tory chaos makes a return to the EU more likely

Starmer’s Labour would be radical in power - and rejoining should not be ruled out if it won a second term

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The EU doesn’t trust Truss and is now looking to Labour

Keir Starmer and allies fear Tory ‘scorched earth’ diplomacy will leave them with a mountain to climb if they take power

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Starmer’s secret talks to unblock the Brexit fatberg

Labour’s leader is perceived to be sitting on his hands over Europe. But private discussions with European leaders tell a different story

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The Spider Woman bites back

Lady Hale, former president of the Supreme Court, remains as calm and steadfast as ever. But, as her much-praised book indicates, we haven't heard the last of her measured voice.

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In praise of Diane Abbott

She is one of the most maligned and mocked politicians of our age. But the pioneering MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington has a record worthy of greater respect.

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The volunteers stuck in a vaccine maze

FRANCIS BECKETT took part in a medical trial for a vaccine that has yet to get approval. He and others have been left in a strange limbo – jabbed, yet not jabbed.

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Why it’s time for Labour to divorce the unions

It's not a case of simply wanting to gerrymander the left, says Labour historian FRANCIS BECKETT, just that the traditional arrangement no longer suits either group

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Is Labour losing its religion?

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Who will follow Len McCluskey in leading Unite?

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Boris Johnson: Liar of the land

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The inside story of how Labour botched its anti-Semitism crisis

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What Lexiteers got wrong about Brexit

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The inside story of the election defeat that doomed Labour and sealed Brexit

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How the lurch to the left could have gone right

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How to lose friends who alienate people – how populism has taken over right-wing politics

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The 1945 Rising: What Labour can learn about winning a majority after a crisis

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