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Florence Hallett

Paule Vézelay, the reinventor

Marjorie Watson-Williams changed her name to Paule Vézelay, her home city from Bristol to Paris... and then set about changing art

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Pornographer? Collaborator? Genius?

Francis Picabia was derided for wartime nudes with a worryingly Aryan aspect. But a new exhibition of later work suggests we may need to re-evaluate him

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The Nazis’ London HQ

How prewar Germany turned an embassy close to Buckingham Palace into a temple to Hitler’s ideology

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‘Poor art’ in rich places

A defunct commodities exchange in Paris, owned by a billionaire, is the setting for an exhibition of a radical art movement that used lowly materials to react against consumerism

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Florence’s angels of mud

First came a devastating flood.. then a city’s battle to save its cultural heritage

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An exhibition at a moment of vital importance

In a tense year, a new Athens exhibition celebrates our precious freedom to vote

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Following Luigi Ghirri out of the ordinary

The Italian photographer who captured the magic in the everyday

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The art of survival

Bombed, suppressed, destroyed… but the work of Ukrainian artists goes on

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Peggy Guggenheim: the calm and the collector

How the British countryside saved modern art’s greatest champion

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The last testament of Jacqueline de Jong

A fiery final interview with the provocative Dutch artist

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Scheidegger, artist of the portraits

How tragedy turned photojournalist Ernst Scheidegger into a recorder of Dalí, Giacometti and more

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Moving right.. away from art

Amsterdam prepares for Art Week against a backdrop of a new government keen to end culture funding

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The white world of Brâncuși

On the eve of its five-year closure, the Centre Pompidou is hosting an exhibition of Constantin Brâncuși’s work that is only the second of its kind in France

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Vive le Centre Pompidou: Monster magnifique

Amid all the glories of Paris, the Pompidou Centre stands as a monument to modernism and to the man whose name it bears

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Fear comes to Istanbul’s cultural scene

The Istanbul Modern has been forced to cooperate with the government and compromise on its politics

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Against the herd: the kaleidoscopic visions of Outi Pieski

The artist championing the Arctic’s mistreated, reindeer-raising Sámi people

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Pasquarosa, the muse that roared

How an illiterate model reinvented herself as one of Italy’s greatest modern painters

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The art of Brexit

Satire, sadness and the home truths about a divided nation

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It’s going to be a very strong year in art

A number of anniversaries means it's going to be a year to savour for the visual arts

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Female artists take centre stage in 2023

Several standout exhibitions this year moved beyond simply flagging the work of “forgotten” artist women

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Harriet Backer’s music of light

Celebrating a rediscovery of the Norwegian realist who used colour combinations ‘like chords sounding in perfect harmony’

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Radical acts of resistance: women in the Paris Avantgarde

A new exhibition in Basel aims to put women at the centre of the previously male-dominated Fauvism movement

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Stop these boats: Norway’s cruise ship crisis

The green party has ambitions to make Bergen ‘cruise-free’ by 2027 but this will be no mean feat

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Nomad world: the esoteric aura of Not Vital

How the Switzerland-born contemporary artist has left his mark across the globe

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Venice’s visitor charge will not avert disaster

This tourist charge will not address the city's declining population, rising prices and lack of housing

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It’s time to flatten Rubens’ curves

Despite his legacy, "Rubenesque" women were only a small part of the artist's work

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The artwashing in Istanbul

The museum that masks Erdoğan’s contempt for Turkey’s artists

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Divine madness: The whirlwind life of Sarah Bernhardt

Europe’s first celebrity is celebrated in a treasure trove of objects at Paris’ Petit Palais

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Disasterpiece: how Brexit relegated Britain from the art market’s premier league

The UK used to be the obvious point of entry for art and antiquities coming into Europe. But then we ostracised ourselves

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Modernism’s frenemies

The rivalry and respect between Manet and Degas

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Bridget Riley’s ‘hymn to the power of sight’

Her piece is a nod to the cultural and intellectual links between Britain and Italy

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We need to talk about Picasso

Fifty years after his death, the artist’s misogyny is the most pressing aspect of his legacy

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