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Ferry Biedermann

Bart De Wever, the prime minister against his own country

The Belgian prime minister’s cries for the EU to stick to its core functions are selfish and short-sighted

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The Hague explosion was a tragedy waiting to happen

The deadly incident on December 7 has left Dutch law enforcement looking shockingly weak

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What happened in the Amsterdam attacks?

A city’s reputation lies in tatters

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The Netherlands’ lessons from the UK – and England

For once, Dutch politics is more interesting and offers a greater spectacle than Britain’s

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The calm before the storm in Belgium and the Netherlands

Does Belgium’s political limbo and the Netherlands’ far-right surge demonstrate that governments are optional?

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The right spells trouble for von der Leyen

The Netherlands serves as a warning of what happens when mainstream parties appease the far right rather than confronting them

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Belgium is now a fractured country

As their election nears, Belgians political tensions are growing deeper

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The triumph of the Wilders

The Dutch far-right politician will not be prime minister, but he is in power

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Amsterdam’s new Holocaust museum

This is the country’s first museum dedicated to telling the whole story of the darkest period in European history. Will it get it right?

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How Schrödinger inspired Wilders’ cabinet

In the Austrian physicist’s style, the mooted right wing coalition is simultaneously dead and alive

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The Belgian far-right politician and a Chinese link

The Flemish nationalist Vlaams Belang party has been hit with claims about a senior member

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Wilders’ win in Holland is a seismic shock

Geert Wilders and his party have taken hate into the mainstream

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The Netherlands is sleepwalking towards the general election

A dreary campaign is entirely in keeping with the country’s political process

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The end of the Mark Rutte era is a fresh start for Dutch politics

When Rutte chose migration as his hill to die on, his leadership was over

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Belgium’s high society art murder

The fatal shooting of a Baroness, allegedly by her stepson, has captured the public imagination

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Amsterdam’s red light for rowdy tourists

The city wants to change its image. But this rebranding will be no mean feat

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Belgium breaks bad: How Antwerp became a hub of the global cocaine trade

The city's role in the drugs trade has brought narco-state violence to the peaceful heart of Europe

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Belgium’s burning resentment

Moroccans were blamed for riots in Brussels after their World Cup upset of Belgium. But what really happened?

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The battle for a northern soul

Gentrification has come to Amsterdam’s Noord borough. But not everyone is happy with the results

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The art of controversy

Organisers wanted to shake up a German contemporary art show. They did that, all right

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Bitter Orange: The Dutch face up to their past

PM Mark Rutte has apologised for atrocities in Indonesia, but some are still nostalgic for days of empire

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The writing on the wall: Is it time for a new Amsterdam?

Politicians are determined to clean up the city’s fabled sex and drug trade. But some locals aren’t so sure.

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The dark side of the Dutch

Sensational reports of a plot to kill the Netherlands PM have raised fears about the seemingly sedate, safe country’s descent to narco-state status. But they are also a reminder of the country’s violent political past.

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Is the Netherlands now Europe’s Narco state?

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How Syria’s decade of despair washed up on Europe’s shores

Since the start of the Syrian civil war 10 years ago, Europe has taken in more than one million refugees. So what has been the impact on the continent?

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This year’s Eurovision controversy is over it even happening at all

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The strange death of European social democracy

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Best Dutch PM in a crisis? They can’t believe it’s not Rutte

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