Emma Sky
29 December 2023
With Kissinger in the Bahamas

Looking back at one of the most consequential lives lost in 2023… Emma Sky remembers an encounter with Henry Kissinger
Read the full article22 July 2023
We need the green transition. But, who’s going to pay for it?

The impact of climate change is felt unevenly across the globe. Any proposal tackling the issue must consider this
Read the full article04 June 2023
Iraq’s next crisis is over the climate

The country is running out of water – and a polluted Tigris makes things even worse
Read the full article24 March 2023
The state of Israel

Hundreds of thousands are taking to the streets, protesting that they no longer recognise their country. Flights from Ben Gurion airport are suspended. Universities are closed. And public sector workers are out on strike
Read the full article10 February 2023
Rwanda confronts its past

The country is so much more than a dumping ground for Britain’s asylum seekers
Read the full article