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Ed Vulliamy

Silvio Berlusconi, Italy’s dark knight

Silvio Berlusconi was a tax evader, a sleazebag, an enabler of tyrants and mafiosi – and he was adored by half a country

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Once upon a time in Sicily

A notorious mafia killer is now behind bars – but why did it take so long to catch him?

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How Draghi was floored by coalition of chaos

The plot to depose Italy’s PM is good news for Silvio Berlusconi, the country’s far right – and Vladimir Putin

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21st Century Mafia: How the ’Ndrangheta became the scourge of Italy… and beyond

Italy’s Mafia is older than the country itself and, despite the cyclical efforts to stamp out its influence, the rise of the Calabrian ’Ndrangheta clan to displace the Sicilian Cosa Nostra underscores its intrinsic place in Italian society.

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