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David Ward

What Kosovo has that Britain doesn’t

The country goes to the polls on Sunday – and the people of Kosovo know exactly what they want

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Kosovo: where women will decide the election

Though many women are stuck at home, they are now the best educated section of the electorate. If the Kosovan government stays in power, it will be down to them

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Brexiteer Lord David Frost predicts cars will soon be banned. He’s just as accurate as ever

The man who wants to rip up his own deal with Europe is wrong about our absolute right to drive

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Deadly Divergence: How Brexit could become the new killer on Britain’s roads

Jacob Rees-Mogg says we should ignore an EU push for speed limiters in cars - but it has the potential to save more lives than seat belts

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Remembering John Smith: A Labour leader used to winning the argument on Europe

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Bastards, Black Wednesday and what John Smith would make of Brexit

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