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Daisy Mccorgray

How can you vote to stop the Tories?

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ELECTION LIVE: This is how people are reacting to GE 2017

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Question Time live blog

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Watch: Remainers reveal the one word that best describes Brexit

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Watch: Farage gets stinging rebuke for trolling EU with mafia jibe

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Deal or no deal? Why Britain must not walk away from Brexit talks

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Brexit could be ‘hugely damaging’ to holidaymakers warns industry body

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UK passports could return to blue post-Brexit at a cost of £490 million

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Watch: The moment Piers Morgan (almost) compliments The New European

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This is May’s Article 50 letter that got Tusk talking about ‘damage control’

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Live: March for Europe

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Internet decides Government’s Brexit ‘Plan for Britain’ isn’t working

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This is the perfectly scathing letter Heseltine wrote to Mrs May (after she sacked him)

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Watch the speech that got Tory Lord Heseltine sacked for defying Theresa May

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My Country: This Brexit play actually listened to people in the UK

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Lords defeat Theresa May over EU citizens right to stay post-Brexit

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Ibsen: The dramatist who gave women the leading role

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Watch: Speaker Bercow rebukes Trump over “racism” and “sexism”

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This child perfectly describes how dual citizens feel about Brexit

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Watch: Ken Clarke defies Tories in unflinching attack on Brexit

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Men and women of conviction – The 114 MPs who voted against Brexit Bill

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A Remain MP just delivered a Brexit speech in the style of “Trainspotting”

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Here are all the MPs who will vote against Article 50

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16 wonderful Croatian foods everyone should know and love

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Regret as Ivan Rogers quits over “muddled thinking” of Brexit plan

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Brexit baubles: DIY Christmas decorations perfect for Remainers

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6 things (from experts) that should have made it onto the Brexit bus

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16 uplifting tweets that show our love for Europe post-Brexit

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Quiz: How many of these European road signs do you know?

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