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Daisy Mccorgray

General Election 2017: When will the general election results for my area be announced?

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Election live: Campaigning restarts with three days to go

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A taxi driver found the Tories’ magic money tree and he is not happy

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Listen: The wheels fall off the Tory campaign and the only poll that matters

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The BBC have banned a song that calls Theresa May a liar (even though it’s number one)

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Watch: May or Corbyn – Who really came out on top in the Battle for Number 10?

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General Election 2017: Conservative? Labour? Lib Dems? Green? UKIP? Who should I vote for on June 8? Take our test to find out

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Watch: Corbyn says the War on Terror isn’t working

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Election live: Conservative lead over Labour narrows

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Quiz: Jeremy Corbyn or Obi-Wan Kenobi – Who said it?

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Listen: The state of the NHS and the World Cup of Brexit

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Question Time Norwich: Live reactions and analysis

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Election live: Tories release manifesto with plans for social care

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Watch as Brexit fanatic Farage calls Junker ‘bloody rude’ and a ‘bully’

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Lib Dem manifesto: 31 key things you need to know

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Watch as Gina Miller summons the “game changers” with her Brexit battle cry

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Quiz: Theresa May or Lord Voldemort – Who said it?

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5 things you need to know about Tuesdsay’s election campaign

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If you’re under 18, Theresa May doesn’t want you to be allowed a vote

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Election live: Labour pledge NHS cash as Tories target workers

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5 things you need to know about Saturday’s election campaign

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5 things you need to know about Friday’s election campaign

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Listen to The New European’s first podcast!

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Election live: Corbyn to claim he is not a pacifist

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Exclusive: Hardcore Remainers swing towards Liberal Democrats from Labour

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Question Time Edinburgh: Live reactions and analysis

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5 things you need to know about Wednesday’s election campaign

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Watch as Richard Branson calmly condemns Brexit lies

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Hunting poll: Do you agree with May that fox hunting should be legal?

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5 things you need to know about Tuesday’s election campaign

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Boris Johnson on Brexit – This man represents the worst of Britain

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People need to register to vote in the general election by May 22

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