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Conor Patrick Faulkner

The case for Benidorm

While many cities in Spain struggle to cope with the effects of mass tourism, Benidorm’s sustainable model allows it to flourish

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Who’s to blame for Spain’s floods?

The Spanish press are asking pointed questions about the lacklustre warning system and slow crisis response

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A walk through Valencia’s catastrophe zone

The floods north of Valencia have left a scene of almost unimaginable destruction

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Tourism can ill afford oil spills on the beach

Valencia’s shores are paying the price of booming seasonal tourism

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Valencia goes bang

During the city’s Las Fallas festival, Valencia becomes a source of never-ending joviality

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Valencia’s green agenda in reverse

Spain’s third city is becoming less environmentally friendly since the new council introduced its pro-car agenda

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A deadly fire in Valencia

The parallels between the blaze in the Spanish city and Grenfell Tower are glaringly clear

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Come and find Valencia’s Chinese tapas bars

Valencia is home to nearly 15,000 Chinese nationals and their culinary influence shows

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Bullfights are not art

Valencia’s minister of culture calls the practice an art form – he’s wrong

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Spain’s rural towns need residents

There aren’t many outsiders in Geldo, but then there aren’t many Geldanos either

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The downside of the digital nomads

An influx of digital nomads in Spain has caused a rent spiral, pricing locals out of their own area

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Spain’s separatists are finding unique ways of pushing their agenda

Spain’s regional parties have been elevated to political kingmakers at the national level

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Pedro Sánchez’s snap election gamble has worked – for now

The Spanish prime minister’s troubles are far from over, however, as a complicated process of backroom deals and coalition building begins

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