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Claudia Pritchard

At home with Percy Bysshe Shelley, the traveller in an antique land

This year’s Lerici festival in Italy marks the 200th anniversary of the death of Percy Shelley with a celebration of British culture

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On fire in Venice: creativity in a changing landscape

A fire that destroyed a library in Venice 455 years ago has inspired a superb Anselm Kiefer exhibition on loss and retrieval

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Raphael: genius, interrupted

The National Gallery’s new Raphael exhibition hints at where the artist’s talent might have led him had he not died young

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Calm after the storm: the art born of war

The unexpectedly timely Postwar Modern at the Barbican showcases the ability of refugee artists to create great work after escaping conflict

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Burri’s treasure: an artistic great who hid his work away

In a reclaimed tobacco warehouse in Umbria once used to squirrel away his favourite paintings, Alberto Burri’s work now reaches out to a wider audience

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Albrecht Dürer on the road to enlightenment

CLAUDIA PRITCHARD enjoys a European journey in the company of a German genius.

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Remember me: An exhibition to show the selfies of days gone by

A new exhibition of portrait paintings at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam shows how Renaissance artists captured their subjects almost as clearly as we can on our phones today.

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The mastery, and muses, of Dante Gabriel Rosetti

As Italy and the literary world marks 700 years since the death of Dante Alighieri, portraits by his namesake, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, resound with the writer’s influence on the painter’s art.

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Few painters understood the everyday life of city dwellers as Jean Dubuffet did

How Jean Dubuffet reinvented cityscapes, the female nude.. and even his own work. By CLAUDIA PRITCHARD

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Nina Hamnett: the Queen of Bohemia

Nina Hamnett's artistic career shone brilliantly and briefly, until overshadowed by her lifestyle. A new show restores the focus on her work

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Eileen Agar: The seaside surrealist

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Four artists who capitalised on changing role of women

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How artists have been inspired by trees

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The pathfinder of modernism

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Canaletto’s work set to go on display in Bath as paintings prove crucial to climate change research

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Sensing the Unseen review: Gossaert’s close-up of Christmas

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JMW Turner’s breathtaking modernity

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Cancelled culture: The artist too shocking for 2020

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The big picture: New Hockney and Gayford book discusses origins of creating art

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Smash of the Titian: The exhibition five centuries in the making

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The new art exhibition which captures an arrogant Britain

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New exhibition to rescue art’s radical women

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The Roman artists who championed the ornate style

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The Life of Riley… Is Bridget Britain’s greatest living artist?

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The story of the world’s most famous picture agency

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The artists who recorded Amsterdam’s gilded moment

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Gauguin in the frame: How should we judge the controversial portrait painter?

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Architecture of London exhibition details a ceaseless city

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Felix Vallotton: The artist who captured Paris and its people at their most dynamic

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CLAUDIA PRITCHARD: Russia’s everywoman, Natalia Goncharova

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The man who taught Da Vinci to paint

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Keep still: the understated magic of Giorgio Morandi

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