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Clár Ní Chonghaile

After 20 days on hunger strike, Richard Ratcliffe says foreign office meeting left him hopeless

Foreign office officials have offered no fresh hope that they can get his wife, Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, home from Iran alongside other British-Iranian citizens being unjustly detained. 

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Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe: Betrayed by Britain

A woman trapped in Iran after being convicted of new, trumped-up charges. A husband starving himself in despair. A child facing another Christmas without her mother. And a government that won’t pay up to make it stop.

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Boris Johnson finds it’s not easy being green, after all

Considering the prime minister is fond of his global Britain rhetoric, he struggles to have any gravitas on the world stage.

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Did France really call for retribution against Britain, or is it just a fishy translation?

The fishing row is politically charged in both Britain and France. Now, it seems, part of the dispute has been lost in translation.

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