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Christian House

Warsaw’s museum of the future

Poland’s capital city boasts a variety of museums commemorating history, but MSN Warsaw has a futuristic approach to culture

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Mette Tronvoll, Norway’s queen of slow photography

Mette Tronvoll’s images of a remote island over several years capture the beauty of a dance with time

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Through the lens of truth

At a glitzy Paris art fair, a dose of reality from eight photographers who have something to say about the world

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Louis Stettner, an American in Paris

The photographer used his camera and the city of lights as a doorway to poetry

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Art in a cold climate

The Nordic town of Bodo, the 2024 European Capital of Culture, has everything you could wish for

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The stolen art of Lucia Moholy

It’s time for a long exposure for the avant-garde Bauhaus photographer

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Dancer, actress, soldier, spy: The implausible life and daring times of Josephine Baker

Even by the topsy-turvy standards of the 20th century, Baker’s journey seems far-fetched

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The custom of tree-felling for friendship

The Norwegian Christmas tree has been a gift from the City of Oslo to London ever since 1947, an annual thank you for British support during the second world war

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The other side of Moominvalley

There was much more to Tove Jansson than the troll family that made her famous

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How one couple and their Polaroid captured Amsterdam’s subcultures at play

Over the course of a year, a couple created a bracing, bizarre series of Polaroids taken in the bars of the Dutch capital

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