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Charlie Connelly

Joseph Pilates: The acrobat who taught the world to keep fit

Internment provided the German the perfect conditions to develop the exercise regimes that would make his name famous

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Britain’s Grimm reapers

European fairy tales arrived on our shores 200 years ago – but the major part played by two London lawyers is all but forgotten

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André Breton: The architect of surrealism

For all his unorthodox methods and opinions, Breton never lost a desire to create and foster an entirely new mentality

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A Viennese escape to victory

It gave the world Freud and a host of cultural figures. But as a new book celebrates Austria’s capital, what about its footballers?

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Millie Bobby Brown is haunted by her own ghostwriter

Actor Millie Bobby Brown used a co-writer on a novel telling a family story. What’s so wrong with that?

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Adelina Patti: The Italian Bel Canto Soprano who was in a league of her own

Patti soared to fame pre-radio and pre-gramophone, making her stardom all the more impressive

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Folke Bernadotte: The even-handed Swedish diplomat who saw the bigger picture

During the second world war, the nobleman negotiated the release of tens of thousands of prisoners from German concentration camps

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The little local library that made me a borrower

Almost 800 public libraries have shut their doors since the Conservatives came to power. That is 800 too many

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Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec: Paris’s most valuable and committed chronicler

Toulouse-Lautrec was an aristocrat who recognised in the outliers of society a shared vulnerable otherness

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Arthur Rimbaud, the poet of sacred disorder

As Rimbaud’s masterpiece A Season In Hell turns 150, reappraising the short life and wild times of a talented, toxic “damned soul”

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Olga Baclanova: The Russian who conquered America

Eclipsed by contemporaries like Garbo and Dietrich, it’s difficult today to appreciate just what a presence Baclanova was in her heyday

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The depths of obsession on le Métro

Full of intriguing quirks and anecdotes, Andrew Martin’s Metropolitain is nothing short of a love letter to a subterranean railway

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Mireille Darc: A remarkable life built from cruel beginnings

Through hard work and determination the actress forged an exalted presence in the French screen canon

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The voices found in translation

For the author Maylis de Kerangal, reading one of her books in another language is like hearing a familiar tune on a new instrument

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Rio Reiser: The rock star who was never at home anywhere

To the end, the German remained convinced that revolution was in the best interests of the people

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The telling story of a liar’s life

Italian writer Veronica Raimo’s remarkable Lost On Me is yet another example of why we need more translated European fiction

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The best books for your great summer escape

From the ancient Mediterranean through 1960s Ireland to modern-day Appalachia, reads that will transport you

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Joseph Conrad: The writer who could have been born frowning

Few writers have been able to distil the world’s most complex themes and turn them into absorbing fiction as well as Conrad

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Ingmar Bergman: The director with a legacy almost unparalleled in the history of cinema

Few directors have mined their internal anguish and lived experience as deeply as Bergman

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Carel Fabritius’s Dutch art of silence

A new book rediscovers the power and subtlety of Carel Fabritius, the forgotten master of the Dutch golden age

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Milan Kundera and the genius of a perpetual outsider

No-one else wrote like the Czech author, a man who rejected our ‘foolish certainties’ and defined the European novel for the modern age

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Carmen Martín Gaite: A proper, old-fashioned woman of letters

Whatever her outlet, the Spanish writer always derived immense pleasure from reactions to her work and never lost her gratitude

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Anastasia Nikolaevna: One of history’s most tragic enigmas

Born into privilege she may have been, but Anastasia’s short life and awful death remain one of the great tragedies of the 20th century

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The art of the everyday: the books viewing the world more gently

A new strain of writing, that engages with the mundane things of life, is more profound than it may first appear

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Revealing the stories of the unheard in Europe

Ben Judah’s superb This Is Europe is a tour through the continent’s underbelly, giving voice to the exploited and marginalised

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Herman Brood: The addict with a purpose

Sold as the most exciting thing to come out of Europe since the Sex Pistols, his hedonistic lifestyle halted his momentum

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Ana María Matute: The voice of Spain’s dazed generation

For all life threw at her, the writer never lost the last sliver of an innocence battered irreparably by events outside her control

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Characters in search of an author

An obsession with what the likes of Pulp Fiction’s Vincent Vega and Succession’s Shiv Roy read on screen

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Bert Kaempfert: The record producer who gave the Beatles their first contract

With his “music that doesn't disturb” the German became one of the biggest-selling recording artists in Europe

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Untold stories from working-class rural Britain

Too many books about the countryside are over-written and nostalgic. But Rebecca Smith’s brilliant new memoir gets it just right

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When MPs go under the covers

Cleo Watson’s debut novel, Whips, is the latest in a long line of raunchy romps set in the world’s least erotic place – Westminster

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Pierre Loti: The unlikely chronicler of the exotic

The overriding atmosphere of Loti’s output is one of a lost innocence, a yearning nostalgia for a world before the corrupting influence of Europe

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