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Charlie Connelly

Luis Ocaña: The rider who ran out of luck

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The brilliance of Rónán Hession’s Panenka

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The golfer who galvanised a sport

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Publishing after pandemic: How the coronavirus changed reading habits

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Dalida: A life ground down by tragedy

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Boney’s books: Why Napoleon was history’s ultimate bookworm

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Jean Bart: The ultimate swashbuckler

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Dreamland: A warning from Britain’s post-Brexit future

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Greta Garbo: The face that continued to fascinate

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The golden age of translation

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The rebel writer: Why Charles Baudelaire still resonates

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Robert Doisneau – The man behind one of the world’s most famous photographs

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A life striving to stay one step ahead of the Nazis

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Spyridon Louis – Greece’s ultimate marathon man

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Ransome the Red… literature’s most enigmatic author

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The great entertainer who accepted constant presence of death

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The Eastern European societies that have replaced communism

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The athlete who cleared the barriers communists put in her way

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The Swedish star immortalised in two of cinema’s most enduring images

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Why I am changing my mind on writer’s block

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Marguerite Duras – the writer sparked by a single moment

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Still trapped by the siege of Sarajevo

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The remarkable European life of a Police Academy star

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The literary character behind Netflix’s Lupin

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Why Dante still divides Italy

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Simone Simon: The French actress who found herself on trial

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A modern retelling of a mysterious death

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The restless soul who epitomised sex, drugs and rock’n’roll

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The unassuming author who shrugged off scandal and success

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The remarkable story of Helga Weyhe

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The magic of hotels – and what we miss about them

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The self publicist surrealist who survived a brush with death from his own art

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