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Branislav Ondrášik

Why did Robert Fico go to Moscow?

It’s not the first time the Slovak leader allowed himself to be used as a tool of Kremlin propaganda – it won’t be the last

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Prepare for the Trump-Fico bromance

The Slovak prime minister agrees with Trump about everything — well, almost

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Europe under water

Flooding from the River Danube has been a horrifying experience – and the clean-up has only just begun.

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Slovakia’s summer of protests and politics

The country has seen months of increasing political tensions paired with rising temperatures

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Slovakia votes in the shadow of a shooting

Robert Fico’s supporters believed the attack on his life would secure them a major political win. It didn’t happen that way

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Could Slovakia have the lowest turnout in Europe?

The country consistently records the lowest voter turnout during European elections, but this year there’s hope for improvement

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Fico’s attack on Slovakia’s media freedom

The populist prime minster is on a crusade to turn the country’s pubic service broadcaster into a state-controlled institution

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Fighting Fico’s power grab in Slovakia

There is a strong sense of a country in a political “bad mood”, and up to a quarter of adults are considering emigration

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Slovakia’s Trump is dreaming of his own comeback

Populist ex-PM Robert Fico is whipping up discontent with mainstream politics and talking of rigged elections. Remind you of anyone?

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