Anthony Clavane
30 April 2020
Like him or loathe him, Piers Morgan has been right about coronavirus

26 July 2018
How nostalgia for world of Dad’s Army helped UK lurch away from centre ground

17 January 2018
Brexit in Blairland: How Tony Blair’s heartland lost its faith in Europe

19 December 2017
Brexit heartland and City of Culture Hull remains in dangerous waters

15 November 2017
Spoon-fed manifesto could backfire for Brexit champion
Tim Martin, boss of the Wetherspoon pub chain, is pestering drinkers with his pro-Brexit beer mats. ANTHONY CLAVANE wonders whether his customers might find it too much to swallow
Read the full article03 July 2017
Sunderland: Anger in Brexit City is against austerity, not Europe

14 April 2017
This is why Skegness is the seaside town Brexit could close down