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Alastair Campbell

How we ended up with ‘unserious people handling serious issues’

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ALASTAIR CAMPBELL: We must fight to protect hard-pressed democracy

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ALASTAIR CAMPBELL: How I have learned to deal with my demons

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Young people need to do more than liking and sharing to win back their futures

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Don’t call this the Brovid government… there’s a better word for it

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ALASTAIR CAMPBELL: Get away from all the madness if you can

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Public life principles have been discarded – it’s time to call on the committee

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Nicola Sturgeon: ‘I am not going to come out of this the same person’

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Why Jürgen Klopp should school Boris Johnson on leadership

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Why don’t more people care about the disaster in Downing Street?

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ALASTAIR CAMPBELL: True patriotism is calling Boris Johnson out for what he is

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ALASTAIR CAMPBELL: Ten failures which show Johnson is gaslighting us with coronavirus

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Public and political consensus required for Britain to change for the better

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ALASTAIR CAMPBELL: This sorry affair is more about Johnson than Cummings

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ALASTAIR CAMPBELL: The UK’s reputation has plummeted since coronavirus and we should be ashamed

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Failed state: Alastair Campbell on the errors that left Britain at the mercy of the virus

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ALASTAIR CAMPBELL: Keira Knightley’s new film evokes memories from another world

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ALASTAIR CAMPBELL: 20 things I really miss during the coronavirus lockdown

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20 ways the government can improve its messaging over coronavirus

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20 reasons to look on the bright side of this crisis

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ALASTAIR CAMPBELL: Johnson must be less Trump and more Cuomo amid coronavirus crisis

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20 things Boris Johnson needs to do at his next coronavirus update

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The prime minister’s greatest coronavirus challenge is being totally honest with the public – and himself

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The lowest points of the Brexit journey so far

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ALASTAIR CAMPBELL: Why it’s time to put our tribes to one side

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Boris Johnson sticks two fingers up at flood victims

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ALASTAIR CAMPBELL: The UK is rushing to leave the EU as others queue up to join

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Brian Cox on why he can’t stop swearing about Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson

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The three photographs which sum up Brexit

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Going Dutch: Alastair Campbell talks Brexit, football and Labour with Alan Pardew

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Labour has become a death-wish cult or a political madhouse

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The lessons Labour leadership contenders can learn from war epic 1917

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