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Alastair Campbell

Roman Kemp: Depression and coping with George Michael’s death

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Alastair Campbell: The pain of my son’s alcoholism

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Alastair Campbell: The aftermath of Leveson

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Alastair Campbell: Was Ed Miliband outperforming David Cameron?

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Alastair Campbell: My demand for an apology from Toby Young

In these exclusive extracts from his diaries, ALASTAIR CAMPBELL explains why he demanded an apology from Toby Young following his evidence to the Leveson inquiry.

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Alastair Campbell: How I hacked off Piers Morgan

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Alastair Campbell: Leveson and me

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Why Joe Biden won’t want to see his predecessor jailed

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Macron has a lot to lose… but a whole continent to gain

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David Lammy: Don’t fall for the right’s culture wars trap

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Kate Mosse: Brexit was an act of national self-harm.. they happen throughout history

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The press and its shameful indulgence of Boris Johnson

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How we can learn lessons from Portugal to change politics

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Why it’s difficult to escape the scandals in British politics

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This chumocracy is costing our country

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Good riddance, Trump! Now we must deal with Trumpism here

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What more could Remainers have done?

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The Brexit deal represents the triumph of the bastards

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The embarrassing gulf between the EU’s approach and our own

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Defence of ‘oven-ready’ Brexit pledge takes ‘Orwellian’ speak to new levels

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Labour are letting the Tories off the hook on Brexit

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Maradona and me… the time I played alongside a genius

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Why Labour must not fall into the Brexit trap

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The lesson Dominic Cummings learned from Princess Diana

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Why I feel sadness amid the joy at Joe Biden’s victory

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Britain is descending fast into corrupt, cronyistic political culture

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Marcus Rashford, Boris Johnson or Donald Trump? Take our test to decide who is the better role model

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Is decency in politics back on the rise?

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Piers Morgan changed his mind on Trump and mental health. Is Brexit next?

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How the prime minster’s regional TV plan backfired

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Dominic Cummings will never escape from Barnard Castle

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‘Don’t call Trump stupid – or his supporters’

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