Alastair Campbell
13 August 2021
Not leadership, but a moral vacuum: Britain’s disgrace in Afghanistan
ALASTAIR CAMPBELL on the shameful moral vacuum that is the British government of today
Read the full article10 August 2021
The horrors and the hope in the diary of Anne Frank
ALASTAIR CAMPBELL on his first reading of one of the most important books of the 20th century
Read the full article27 July 2021
Boris Johnson’s latest offence shouldn’t be overlooked
Boris Johnson’s role in wrecking the Rugby League World Cup might rank low in his long list of offences, but should not be overlooked.
Read the full article21 July 2021
Has something shifted in sado-populist Britain?
As disquiet grows, Boris Johnson may not hold the whip hand for much longer.
Read the full article15 July 2021
Boris Johnson: The sado-populist prime minister
Editor-at-large ALASTAIR CAMPBELL on a concept that helps explain the politics of Boris Johnson
Read the full article30 June 2021
Telling the truth is now the only sackable offence
British politics now exists in a moral vacuum. It cannot last
Read the full article25 June 2021
Holy Moses! Attack ads show the Greens have a real chance in Germany
Read the full article12 May 2021
Labour needs more positivity, more patriotism, more policy… and less wokery
Read the full article23 April 2021
Politics is moving back to a battlefield which does not suit Boris Johnson
Read the full article21 March 2021
Alastair Campbell: My demand for an apology from Toby Young
In these exclusive extracts from his diaries, ALASTAIR CAMPBELL explains why he demanded an apology from Toby Young following his evidence to the Leveson inquiry.
Read the full article19 February 2021