Alastair Campbell
14 March 2019
ALASTAIR CAMPBELL: Cartoon Cox and the shallow talent pool that shames the UK

01 March 2019
ALASTAIR CAMPBELL: Brexiteers face a beating from a public inquiry

16 February 2019
ALASTAIR CAMPBELL: Let’s unite again to stop the anti-elitist elite’s fantasies becoming reality

06 February 2019
ALASTAIR CAMPBELL: Credit where it’s due for my stinging Farage insult

02 November 2018
ALASTAIR CAMPBELL: If you don’t lose the plot over this mess, there’s something wrong with you

25 October 2018
Alastair Campbell on why the time for action has only just begun

11 October 2018
ALASTAIR CAMPBELL: There’s plenty we can all do to stop Brexit.. but do it now

05 October 2018
ALASTAIR CAMPBELL: Demographic shift has Brexiteers in a hurry

15 September 2018
ALASTAIR CAMPBELL: Pygmy politicians play into hands of People’s Vote

07 September 2018
Alastair Campbell: Hammond thinks with ink as public inquiry looms

06 September 2018
‘I can see in May’s eyes in public what I saw in Blair’s in private… loneliness’

18 August 2018
ALASTAIR CAMPBELL: Resist Jacob Rees-Mogg’s vision of a brave new world