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Alastair Campbell

ALASTAIR CAMPBELL: Why Labour must ditch divisions to recover its role

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Recent political events have led the UK to a dark place

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Remembering Frank Dobson: A sombre moment for a party in peril

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ALASTAIR CAMPBELL: How Labour saw Brexit as an inconvenience

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Want ‘none of the above’? Send a clear message by voting tactically

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ALASTAIR CAMPBELL: Boris Johnson has stooped to a new low

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An open letter to anti-Brexit voters living in Labour and Lib Dem marginal seats

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Could compulsory voting help to stabilise Britain?

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Brexit fear and loathing on the election trail could lead us to dark places

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The Remain camp’s week of own goals

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John Major and Tony Blair on the dangers of Boris Johnson’s deal

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There are no excuses not to be at the biggest ever People’s Vote march

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ALASTAIR CAMPBELL: Boris Johnson is a journalist who can’t get his story straight

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ALASTAIR CAMPBELL: Boris Johnson has great balls of liar

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ALASTAIR CAMPBELL: How should I interpret my Brexit-frazzled dreams?

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ALASTAIR CAMPBELL: ‘A crisis as big as any faces our country, but the PM sits idle’

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ALASTAIR CAMPBELL: Brexit has left me uncomfortably numb

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Fighting back in the Age of Post Shame

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ALASTAIR CAMPBELL: Why I’m trying to avoid the news

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ALASTAIR CAMPBELL: Dominic Cummings falls for the star treatment

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ALASTAIR CAMPBELL: Why I no longer want to be readmitted to Labour

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ALASTAIR CAMPBELL: My unforgettable evening with Boris and Miley

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ALASTAIR CAMPBELL: Love Island fake news leads to embarrassing moment on national TV

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ALASTAIR CAMPBELL: Please, please, for the sake of the UK, don’t pick HIM

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ALASTAIR CAMPBELL: The People’s Vote can win

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Gabby Logan on football, feminism and male keyboard warriors

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Northern powerless… Why Westminster does not speak for the regions

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ALASTAIR CAMPBELL: Labour shouldn’t be bystanders to Tory farce

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ALASTAIR CAMPBELL on Britain’s democratic deficit

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EXCLUSIVE: The inside story of exactly how Labour kicked me out, by ALASTAIR CAMPBELL

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ALASTAIR CAMPBELL: BBC’s cowardice in the face of Nigel Farage

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ALASTAIR CAMPBELL: The phantom campaign trail

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