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Alastair Campbell

Not leadership, but a moral vacuum: Britain’s disgrace in Afghanistan

Displaced Afghan families

ALASTAIR CAMPBELL on the shameful moral vacuum that is the British government of today

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The horrors and the hope in the diary of Anne Frank

ALASTAIR CAMPBELL on his first reading of one of the most important books of the 20th century

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Boris Johnson’s latest offence shouldn’t be overlooked

St Helens celebrate their Challenge Cup final win over Castleford Tigers at Wembley in July 

Boris Johnson’s role in wrecking the Rugby League World Cup might rank low in his long list of offences, but should not be overlooked.

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Has something shifted in sado-populist Britain?

As disquiet grows, Boris Johnson may not hold the whip hand for much longer.

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Boris Johnson: The sado-populist prime minister

Editor-at-large ALASTAIR CAMPBELL on a concept that helps explain the politics of Boris Johnson

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Why the England team are one to be proud of

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Telling the truth is now the only sackable offence

British politics now exists in a moral vacuum. It cannot last

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Holy Moses! Attack ads show the Greens have a real chance in Germany

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The cheerleaders who have let Boris Johnson get away with it

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Why don’t Brexiteers like to talk about Brexit any more?

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Britain is becalmed by apathy: Where is the rage?

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Prince William and a life shaped by trauma

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Why is Boris Johnson so scared of Good Morning Britain?

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Labour needs more positivity, more patriotism, more policy… and less wokery

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Why Boris Johnson’s phone habits should ring alarm bells

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Boris Johnson’s downfall will be the truth

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Politics is moving back to a battlefield which does not suit Boris Johnson

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Russell Kane: Why working class people like Boris Johnson

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Roman Kemp: Depression and coping with George Michael’s death

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Alastair Campbell: The pain of my son’s alcoholism

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Alastair Campbell: The aftermath of Leveson

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Alastair Campbell: Was Ed Miliband outperforming David Cameron?

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Alastair Campbell: My demand for an apology from Toby Young

In these exclusive extracts from his diaries, ALASTAIR CAMPBELL explains why he demanded an apology from Toby Young following his evidence to the Leveson inquiry.

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Alastair Campbell: How I hacked off Piers Morgan

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Alastair Campbell: Leveson and me

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Why Joe Biden won’t want to see his predecessor jailed

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Macron has a lot to lose… but a whole continent to gain

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David Lammy: Don’t fall for the right’s culture wars trap

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Kate Mosse: Brexit was an act of national self-harm.. they happen throughout history

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The press and its shameful indulgence of Boris Johnson

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How we can learn lessons from Portugal to change politics

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Why it’s difficult to escape the scandals in British politics

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