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Alastair Campbell

Alastair Campbell’s Diary: The tainted legacies of Germany’s ex-chancellors

The war in Ukraine is seeing the reputations of Olaf Scholz's two immediate predecessors reassessed, and not for the better

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François Hollande’s not done with politics and warns that populism, left and right, must be defeated

The former French president takes aim at flippant Boris Johnson, Putin, Orbán and more

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: Why birthdays aren’t my thing

Good wishes on my birthday do not make me feel any better about getting older. Besides, there were two other important anniversaries last week both involving leaders of the Labour party

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: The right-wing media’s coverage of Beergate is sheer hypocrisy

The right-wing press are wrongly trying to convince readers Keir Starmer and Boris Johnson are just as bad as each other. The reality couldn't be more different

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: Did Nadine Dorries libel me?

My criticisms of the culture secretary have nothing to do with her being a woman, and everything to do with her being hopeless and dangerously out of her depth

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: Politicians exploit our lack of agreement over the facts, including Boris Johnson

Social media has created a world with constant disagreements over objective factual truths. Political leaders abuse this and our prime minister is no exception

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Dear Mr Klopp, you’re wasted in football…

Why can't politicians be more like Jürgen?

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: Putin’s fallen out of favour with the French – bar Marine Le Pen

As swear words go, “putain” is up there with the best. But considering what most French people think of the Russian Tsar, is it time to revert it to “Putin”?

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Justin Welby is a good man, Boris Johnson is not. So no prizes for guessing who the Tories are backing

The prime minister is a proven liar and criminal. Of course his party and their rags will continue to support him

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: What Britain can learn from Côte d’Ivoire

Priti Patel should take note of the way the West African nation embraces migrants

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A ten-point plan for Rishi Sunak

What should the chancellor do next? Here is Alastair Campbell’s verdict

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The Tories are heading for oblivion if they prop up Johnson

The prime minister has no defence and no moral compass. Will his party finally act?

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: Boris Johnson’s litany of lies is an assault on our democracy

His lying isn't simply a question of his character, but a strategy aimed at undermining institutions that act as a check on power

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: Madeleine Albright’s warnings about fascism were spot on

They make for a fitting tribute to America’s first female secretary of state and the world should take heed of them

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‘Belarus is more actively involved in the war than is widely understood’ – listen to Alastair Campbell

The New European's editor-at-large tells his fellow podcast host Rory Stewart why Belarus' leader-in-exile had to write for us

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: Like all bullies, Paul Dacre can dish it out, but cannot take it

It's ultimately why he dodged a bullet in failing to land the job as chair of Ofcom

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: Has Putin’s invasion undermined soft power?

The observation that military force has become less important in how nations wield power was more credible pre-invasion

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: Why democracy needs to prevail over dictatorship

Absolute power makes you think you can do what you like, where you like, how you like. It is a power no truly democratic leader will ever enjoy

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: This time Putin has to fail

Putin must be seen by the world to lose. But, how this will happen and how long it will take remain difficult questions

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For all the strong words today, Putin has exploited the West’s weakness, and the West has helped him to do so

Putin is the bad actor in the invasion of Ukraine, but we need to examine the role the West has played in allowing events to unfold

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: We need a serious government with competent people

The nation needs serious politicians. Instead, we have Boris Johnson’s lies, Liz Truss’ Instagram diplomacy and Oliver Dowden’s warnings against woke

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: The government has made the country look like a basket case to the world beyond our shores

At a talk for the Institute of Directors in Ireland our editor-at-large was asked a multitude of questions, all from the perspective of: 'How did it come to this?'

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: Boris Johnson’s just making it up as he goes along

The parties, the lies and now the replacements... his actions show his sole objective to be personal survival, no matter the cost

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: Keir Starmer’s denunciation of Johnson was pitch-perfect

The Labour leader gets a fair bit of flak for lacking charisma and oomph. But his take-down of the prime minister in parliament was spot on and the fact that Tories heard it in silence is even more telling.

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: The Tory MPs propping up Boris Johnson are making us a banana republic

Overseas observers are talking about Britain like it's suffered a natural disaster, says ALASTAIR CAMPBELL

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The Tory spin machine is already going into overdrive about Sue Gray’s report

They will try to claim victory whatever it says - and they've put a brilliant civil servant in an impossible position

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: Unease about Boris Johnson is turning to disgust

The only party to look forward to is the one celebrating the departure of this dreadful government, says ALASTAIR CAMPBELL.

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: The striking similarities between Ghislaine Maxwell and Boris Johnson

Connections, a degree from Oxford and a sense of entitlement, editor-at-large ALASTAIR CAMPBELL draws on the parallels between Ghislaine Maxwell and the prime minister.

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: This worst-ever government has made me a ranter

This is the worst government in memory. Having a rant at their expense may only be a coping mechanism, but every little helps.

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Alastair Campbell’s diary: What kind of government plays pass the parcel in a pandemic?

While the public followed the rules last year, the government thought it best to break them and play party games instead writes ALASTAIR CAMPBELL.

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Alastair Campbell’s diary: Public school teaches Tories to have OUR cake and eat it

For generations, top private schools, including Eton, have taught students a sense of superiority, argues ALASTAIR CAMPBELL.

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Alastair Campbell’s diary: Labour can’t rely on Tory disasters – here’s how they can win

Despite it all, the prime minister is still seen as a winner, one Tory MP tells ALASTAIR CAMPBELL. But, here's how the opposition can change that.

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