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Alastair Campbell

Alastair Campbell: Question Time and an audience full of Leavers

The Brexit-voting audience was friendly and open to argument – but why was there no one from the government on the panel?

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: Why John Major is right about Boris Johnson

Going forward, the less we hear from and of Johnson, the better for all of us

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: To go or not to go to Clacton, that is the question

BBC Question Time is marking seven years of Brexit with an audience made up entirely of 2016 Leave voters. Wish me luck...

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Boris Johnson lied so often, so effortlessly

Boris Johnson was a winner but he won on falsehoods, and the truth caught up with him at last. Nothing is left but cold, hard anger

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: Keir Starmer’s Brexit strategy is baffling

Labour has put economic growth at the heart of their electoral campaign, but they will not succeed until they resolve the damage Brexit continues to inflict

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: Hands up if you think Brexit has failed

Seven years on, populist politicians are running out of targets for their Brexit blame game

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: Keir Starmer needs to focus on policy

Starmer must not get distracted by the assumption that Labour are home and dry

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Alastair Campbell: How you can fix politics

In this extract from his new book, our editor-at-large reflects on why The People’s Vote failed... and what makes a successful campaign

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: Brexiteers are the real snowflakes

They don't like to be called out for their Brexit lies - which is why it needs to happen more often

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: Don’t read Hate Mail

Supporting our journalism shows nasty and nationalist papers like the Daily Mail the cold shoulder

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: We need to broaden the political gene pool

If we are serious about levelling up, we need to ensure all children have a voice

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: Hillary Clinton and the raid for the world’s most wanted man

The former First Lady’s account on The Rest Is Politics LEADING is one of the most remarkable pieces of explanation I have ever witnessed

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: Looking back on 25 years of the Good Friday Agreement

The role of Tony Blair and Bertie Ahern during the talks, to this day, simply cannot be overstated

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: Kompany’s all-conquering Clarets are back in the big time

Burnley’s triumphant return to the Premier League has been masterminded by the son of a refugee who became Belgium’s first elected black mayor

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: Boris Johnson and Liz Truss have no shame

Both left office in disgrace and dishonour. Yet they still believe a resignation honours list is their right

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: The double standards at the heart of Tory Britain

As with everything else, there is one rule for them, and another for everyone else

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: When the grillers become the grilled

An annual event sees those used to asking the questions in the hot seat

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Alastair Campbell: Don’t be a bystander. We all have to stand alongside Gary Lineker

It’s the right and the duty of anyone with a platform to speak out against this cruelty

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: How ABBA became a phenomenon

It was a real privilege to sit down with Björn Ulvaeus this week to discuss the band's social impact

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: Thérèse “Let them eat turnip” Coffey is channelling Marie Antoinette

Marie Antoinette was probably deeply upset by her fate. The environment secretary, however, appears unbothered by the current state of affairs

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: The Groucho Marx approach to levelling up

I am #StateSchoolProud. Hopefully, Groucho would approve, as would those who are genuinely committed to "levelling up"

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: Suella Braverman got the Prevent report she wanted

The report's conclusion was no surprise. Nor was the fact that it failed to address the reality of how terrorism impacts our country

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: My advice to Rishi Sunak

It's hard to believe that he will listen to my guidance. But I offer it nonetheless

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: Nadhim Zahawi made his own departure inevitable

But the question remains: will Rishi Sunak learn from this?

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: Bank of Dave is essential watching in post-Brexit Britain

This feelgood film offers the perfect escapism from Brexit disasters and Tory governance

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: The Retained EU Law bill is damaging – and Rishi Sunak knows it

But, he also knows that going back on it would result in Brexit true believers and Johnson opportunists making a move

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: The right wing media are, finally, waking up to the reality of Brexit

Now even the cheerleading hacks who propped up this government are seeing the truth about Britain after Brexit

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: What Glencoe can teach us about national memory

The mythology of the Glencoe massacre endures to this day. It would take historians and spin doctors far greater than I to erase this

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: What the World Cup revealed about our society

England may do better in the future if their fans and media stopped going into every tournament fixated on the past. As is often the case, attitudes need to change

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: It’s Britain that isn’t working

Less of a political slogan and more of a statement of fact, Britain's decline under the Tories is now recognised well beyond our shores

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: The government’s Brexomertà is hurting the country

Neil Kinnock introduced me to a new word this week and it perfectly sums up the silence and dishonesty surrounding the Brexit debate

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Alastair Campbell’s Diary: Brexit regret is on the rise

Brexit created an economic black hole. But, some politicians would still rather fall in it than fill it in

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