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Adrian Addison

Spain’s modern-day Dick Turpins

Today, highway robbery is common on Spanish motorways

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Who can afford to live in Barcelona now?

The city is a prime example of why Pedro Sánchez has cracked down on people from outside the EU buying property in Spain

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50,000 football fans in one bar

La Sagrada Familia is not expected to be fully completed until 2034 and football fans are starting to grumble

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Spain’s parrot pandemic

Flocks of green parrots, or monk parakeets, have invaded Barcelona

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The pain makes its way to Spain

The old artisanal baker is not as prevalent in France as you might think

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Spain’s invasion of the jellyfish

To the dismay of tourists and locals, monstrous medusas are thriving in the Mediterranean’s warming waters

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Spain goes on the pull with a pineapple

Forget dating apps, romantics in Spain are pinning their hopes on a less conventional method

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Spain’s unwinnable game

Barça’s new manager, Hansi Flick, must understand one simple fact: he is faced with a virtually impossible task

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Carles Puigdemont, the politician who ran away from Spain

The former Catalan president vanished like the Scarlet Pimpernel, believing he had a duty to evade arrest

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